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"Where is that little annoying , talkative delinquent ?" Peter said under his breath as he moved towards a nearby tree  ,that stood proudly in front of the Hale house . He texted Stiles half an hour ago , telling him to meet him at the Hale house , claiming he had something important to discuss with him , seeing stiles was like a curious cat , he didn't question the sketchiness of this .

He didn't even ask as to why he wanted to meet him alone , at the dark with no civilization around . He almost envied the curiosity of the kid but hey , on the bright side , he did a good job simply by being a creepy , stalker warewolf . He was so proud to own these two perfect titles . That's why he found himself smiling at absolutely nothing . The full moon seems to be approaching fast , he wondered if he was going to lose control over  his wolf , but hey since he came back from the dead he seams to be at control of everything , including His retarded personality.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of stiles jeep approaching towards the house . Feeling like his creepy self he thought scaring the hell out of stiles would be such a great idea , that without thinking twice he moved around as so that the tree would camouflage him . It easily did the job since he was wearing dark coloured clothes , his eyes were glued to Stiles jeep as he parked . He just sat there in the jeep without moving , maybe he was thinking this was a bad idea and maybe wanted to go back who knew , but Peter knew one thing , he was not going to allow him to go even if he tried , he was here after all , if he tried to make a beeline with his jeep then his claws would do an amazing job at puncturing the tires, see being a warewolf sometimes gives you an upper hand.

Stiles opened the jeeps door and cautiously got out , he didn't close the door , and he had his keys held tight in his hands , Peter chuckled lowly , trust stiles to be always cautious . In case he tried to escape , Peter have figured how he was going to stop him , so if he pleased he can just close the door , because whether its opened or closed it won't help him one bit.

He walked slowly towards the burnt wooden steps of the house , he was about to go up when he stopped and shook his head slowly and he moved back by three feet and turned around , he just stood there staring up , mouth opened like he wanted to yell . Peter felt like it was his time to jump out , and do what he did best  ,but he stopped when he heard stiles yelling .

" Listen here you undead freak  , you told me to come here now I'm here , where are you!  , if you even think of scaring me I swear I won't ever respond to your requests anymore you physco. " Peter only rolled his eyes and came out of his hiding place .

"Trust you to ruin my fun " he said as he approached stiles not missing how he jumped a little , when he came into view , that made his ego swell , seeing he was scaring the not so scared easily . " What took you this long huh?" He said as he circled around stiles eyeing him up .

"Your creepy self that is , you did not think I was going to be sunshine all happy when I receive a text from the devil himself , but hey don't bother my soul is not up for grabs you freak" Stiles said as he glared at Peter who came to stand in front of him . Peter only smirked and shrugged his shoulders .

"You flatter me really , your respect for me is uncalculated , you mind a fist bump." Peter said sarcastically as he glared back at stiles .

"Well I faint at the sight of  you , just imagine what would happen if I fist bumped with you " stiles said with an annoyed huff.

"Probably you'll faint , but that's not important right now , do you know where Derek is ?" Peter said as he moved away from stiles , and walked towards the stairs of the house and sat down , like that was the most normal thing to do. Stiles looked at him incredulous as he followed him and stood in front of  Peter.

"First of , I would not faint if I fist bump with  you , I'll puke , secondly. WHAT THE HELL YOU MORON!" Stiles said as he pointed at Peter accusingly . Peter only shrugged his shoulders again  .

"Why are you so surprised , just tell me where is he , and never call me a moron " Peter said as a command .

"Or what ?" Stiles challenged , he knew he was stepping over the line seeing he was after all the cranky ass Peter but still , who the hell does he think stiles is , did he somehow look like Derek's long lost baby sitter.

Peter flashed his eyes electric blue towards stiles way , but stiles didn't even flinch he just glared back , even when Peter showed him his canines he just stood there  not even trembling.

" cute now your coping Derek's threat's  , that's lame . " stiles said as he walked away but not before he felt him self being propelled forward by a massive force , he fell and rolled on the ground for about 3 seconds , he thought he heard something snapping on his left hand as he landed on it .He did not say anything he just layed there puzzled trying to think of where the hell the sound came from ,was it a twig snapping or what .

He half expected Peter to body slam him again , he knew it was Peter because no warewolf in his pack was soulless enough to body slam the fragile stiles who weighed only 145 pounds , with pale skin that bruised easily.

He slowly stood up but failed miserably , he found his self going back down again , only to feel someone's hands on his torso trying to get him to stand .He felt like he wasn't there but he saw Peter completely wolved out , when he turned around he saw the one who helped him up that it was the wanted one Derek.

His eyes were bloodshot red , he angrily growled at Peter who only shifted but did not cower away , it was then that stiles looked down at his wrist that he saw it was bent in an unnatural way , he knew right there that it had broken when he landed on top of it as he fell down .

His panick rose a second as the pain  started to let it self known it was there . He saw Derek taking his wrist in his hand and with another hand twisted stiles hand until the bone snapped into place , which caused an ear splitting scream to come out of stiles mouth . Derek held his hands towards his ears so as Peter , he  looked around and saw a small twig that Derek had picked up and placed it on stiles wrist , he then ripped his own shirt and used it as a bandage , the stick doing a great job at holding the broken bone in place. After Derek was done he angrily told Peter that they were going to talk later after he drops stiles off at the hospital .

Derek guided the not talking stiles to his car , seeing it was faster then stiles jeep , he opened the door for him and helped him in , after that he got in himself.

"Hey Derek , where were you , and what's with the perfect timing , never mind that you piece of nuts help me with the pain , do you have aspirin here " stiles said as he moved around , apparently out of the daze that have consumed him not so long ago .

"Here give me your hand " Derek said as he pulled over at the curb  , he took stiles wrist in his hand  and groaned in pain as blackish colour became visible on his arm veins , as he absorbed stiles pain , stiles only stared at Derek in awe .

After the pain have subsided from stiles , Derek was breathing harshly with sweat on his forehead , stiles moved his other unharmed hand and placed it on Derek's shoulder to give him an awkward hug as a thank you , when Derek looked up from his crouched position stiles face was near his , and stiles could not help but plant a miningfull baby kiss on Derek's lips , and gave his thigh a firm touch. 

"Why did you do  that ?" Stiles asked after he moved back to his seat , Derek only started the engine after he was okay.

" because I care for you , you idiot why in the hell were you with my lunatic uncle  ,know what don't bother answering me , I'm taking you to Melissa she'll take  good care of you , and know this your father is going to kill you , not before I do " Derek said teeth clenched together , Stiles for once ate his tongue. ..

Sterek ! Sterek ! Stirek!

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