Magic bullet.

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"So what if Scott arrived 2 minutes late , huh ?" Stiles said pacing around , trying to avoid Derek's hard glare , " literally I would have amputated your arm , do you know what pressure do to me huh , Derek you threatened me . " Derek only glared at stiles without uttering a word back to his continuing rambling .he only stretched his arm that was awfully looking, not so long ago , if it was not for Scott he is not sure if he would be having his arm with him , maybe it would have healed  , seeing he was a ware wolf and had incredible healing powers , but still the pain would have been so unbearable .

"Der-" Derek abruptly turned towards stiles and pointed an accusing finger his way , making him shut his mouth instantly , the silence that followed was almost horrific as Derek wasn't saying anything , just pointing his finger at him . Whatever he wanted to say to stiles , was apparently not that important because he just stared at him for a few seconds , then retreated back to  his previous position .

"So now you're threatening me with your pointer finger , what is it with it that is special , does it also have teeth ". Stiles said moving away from Derek trying to find another spot to stand on that was far , far away from Derek , one thing stiles knew for sure , was that he did not fancy being bitten by those forbidden daggers that sprouted out of Derek's gums when ever he turned wolf . " are you even listening to what I'm saying ,  at least pretend like you're interested to what I'm trying to say . Derek I swear to you if you ever , do that to me again , if you ever put me in that position again I'll be the death of you , I would mix mistletoe , mountain ash , holy water you name it . " Stiles said waving his hands frantically around the length of his body  , occasionally taking a glance towards Derek to see what he was doing , he just continued with his arm staring contest he seemed to be having with himself . He only mumbled something about how holy water is only used against  vampires , and bad spirits , he also said he was none of those , to which stiles answered with an offended gasp .

" So you've been listening after all ,I should Have known  , now tell me big guy , as a reward for my unbelievable courage , what are you going to give me " Stiles said sizing up Derek like he was challenging him with his eyes.

" considering I've been here all this time , listening to your annoying voice talking non stop , without punching you square on your face , I think that is the best present you could wish for stiles " Derek said crossing his arms across his buff chest , walking menacingly slow towards Stiles form . Stiles glared back without saying anything , only calculating Derek's movement as he stopped in front of him , with his eyebrows furrowed , it was pretty hard to guess what he was thinking when he wore his poker face . He cold be planning stiles funeral for all stiles knew .

" okay what do you want " he said defeatedly , oddly his body stance didn't show any defeat . He instantly regretted what he just said when he saw stiles mouth widening to that forbidden grin of his . Nothing good ever followed whenever stiles grinned like that .

" I'm not lending you my black beauty , if that's what you're thinking of  asking " . Derek said quickly talking about his camaro.
Stiles only shook his head and moved closer to Derek who only eyed him suspiciously , they stood almost face to face considering stiles height is a little bit longer than Derek's .

Stiles looked at Derek expectantly , but he was dumbfounded not knowing what stiles wanted , for wolves sake stiles knew he was no mind reader , so if he did not use his words , he wasn't going to bother trying to figure out what he wanted . Stiles only rolled his eyes at Derek's uptight self .

"I want this " he said motioning with his hands to Derek's face , licking his lips as he did so , hoping that Derek caught on to what he wanted to say without using his words . Having Derek so close to him messed with his brain cells somehow , that is why he even forgot to breath .

Derek took a step back frowning his massive eyebrows " what ! , you want me to  kiss you why ?" . if anything Derek look at loss of words .

"Its my being brave present remember , when a prince in shining armour saves a princess  , from a big bad whatever thing that wants to harm it , the princess gives the prince a big fat kiss , so come on now  be a good p.." Derek interrupted stiles speech by grabbing him by his shirt collar and backing him towards the wall .  He intended to cause him body harm but instead he ended up being face to face with stiles mocking eyes , daring him .

Without thinking twice he smashed his lips to stiles lips , biting his tongue when stiles wanted to invade his mouth , the kiss was short but rough , when Derek was pulling away , he turned towards stiles bedroom door , which was previously closed but ended up being ajar with the sheriff trying so hard not to look embarrassed , but he was doing a terrible job at it , he only mumbled few words as he cautiously closed the door as he backed out . Stiles if anything was out of breath looking at Derek incredulously , like he didn't believe he just did that.

"Never call me a princess , ever again " Derek said as he went towards the window and jumped out of it   landing perfectly on his feet , before walking away , before he was out of earshot he heard Stiles talking to himself saying .

" I can't believe he seriously did it " Derek only smirked and walked out of eyeshot from stiles home , savouring the tingling feeling that was left by stiles lips on his mouth .

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