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"Stiles I swear he does this on purpose " . Scott said frustrated as he kept checking on his phone every few minutes . I'm currently at his house sitting at his desk inside his room , looking at him makes me feel dizzy because he keeps moving from one place to another . He can not stand still for more than two seconds . All I did was humm along to what ever he was saying . Apparently Scott was angry because Isaac was hitting on Allison , who used to be Scott's girlfriend .

" its not like you're together you know? " I said drumming my fingers against my left thigh , as Scott abruptly stopped and glared at me with an annoyed expression , " what I'm not lying and you know that , deep down you do , so why not let them date?, it's not like Isaac is a wendigo or anything , he is a werewolf just like you , which always gets me confused as to why he would want to date Allison seeing she hunts his kind , maybe you can tell me since ,,, you know you Two dated ." I said nonchalantly as I picked on my nails trying so hard not to look at Scott , who was now fuming by the way , good thing he had his control otherwise I'd be in loads of trouble by now .

Scott sighed as he sat down , throwing his phone on top of his bed as he sat . He rubbed his hands together before wiping them on his jeans , he looked broken now which did not look good on him , a broken puppy faced boy is never a good sight to see .

" she's got this beautiful smile you know , her dimples are to die for , she's got a very good heart too , plus she never lied when she said  she loves me , she never did.
" uh huh I thought to myself as I stood up and walked around not knowing what I wanted to do next , I glanced at Scott who by the way seemed to be in a very deep thought . I ended up walking towards him and stood in front of him which caused him to snap his head up to stare at me with an annoyed nod, he acknowledged my presence .

" what now , stiles ,you know I'm tired I don't want to talk "  he said scooting over on his bed as an invitation for me to sit down .   That's what I ended up doing although I did not really want to , but since he was feeling like shit I had to compromise for his sake . I hummed a little , drumming my fingers against my chin as I gave him a sideways glance , he only glared my way making me almost flinch , I just took in a small breath and spoke .

" why are you mad , like what is wrong if they are dating? , as I keep saying you're no longer dating , would you not want Isaac to date some one like Allison whom you know and trust , we all know that Allison would never hurt Isaac , so why don't you let them date huh ? " Scott looked hesitant at first , but then he looked straight ahead like he zoned out , and stayed quite which only sparked a spark of annoyance within me , so " answer me man " I said as I looked at him only to find that he was also looking at me with a hesitant look , he just looked at me , more like glared at me , he wanted to say something , this I know because he kept opening his mouth and closing it again like a fish out of water , I did not even realise that we were too close , I could swear I was feeling his cold breath against my lips , which made me disconnect our staring contest , I could not help but feel the heat rushing to my cheeks , he nearly kissed me , Scott just grinned a little at my facial expression and stood up , dusting away non - existance dust on his pants .

" should have seen your look bro  , calm down " he went over to his bed room door and stood there like he was checking whether there was someone who was eaves dropping or not , which I don't get why he would bother with that , he should have just turned up his helluva hearing sense , but hey he is not me , that's what I would have done if it was me in his shoes .

" I like him " he said very soft I almost did not hear him , he looked at me but I stared back at him dumb founded , his ears turned pink , and he looked forward again , closing his eyes and pinching his nose as  he waited for me to answer .

" who ? Isaac , I know you like him , we all do although he is annoying and not a very helpful conventionalist but " Scott looked at me throwing his hands up in frustration .

" stiles , I like him , more than you like him , I mean I know you like him but I like him more , like dude when I see him I don't want to just be there for him and take care of him , I want to hold him you know kis-." Scott stopped when he saw my eyes widening
" why are you giving me that look " Scott said as it seemed like he was panicking , I quickly shook my head and looked straight ahead like he did , ignoring his face as I spoke.

" does he know ?" I asked , his huge intake of air told me he did not know " so what are you gonna do , you need to tell him you know ?" Scott only stood up from his bed and went over to his bedroom window , placing his palms against the window frame on each side of it , he seemed like he was in deep thought , as he mumbled something to himself , its times like these I do wish I had super hearing , now I just have to wait for him to tell me what he is thinking , or what he just said .

" stiles its not that easy " he said as he jerked his head sideways like he was picking something up , maybe he was hearing something " Isaac is coming you say nothing to him , if you do I'll get Peter to knock you out for me" Scott said , but his threat had nothing on me I simply smirked daring him with my eyes , he dared me back raising his finger up as if he just had an idea , if he were a cartoon probably an imaginary lightbulb on top of his head would have  been on.

"You tell Isaac I like him , I'll tell Derek that you like him " stiles could feel his face drained of colour as the feeling was replaced by a huge heat which he knew was making him look like a ripe tomato. Scott only grinned and walked over to stiles , who seemed glued to his spot " are you blushing because I said that , or because I'm right ?" Scott said with an unidentified glint in his eyes .

" No , yes , no ..... I mean yes I'm blushing because I'm embarrassed that you could think something like that , also no I don't like Derek like that , come on man I'm not that lame ".
Stiles said looking anywhere but Scott .

" so you don't like Derek " Scott said moving away from stiles as he went over His bed to pick the phone that he threw on top of it , a couple of minutes ago .

" No , I don't like him " stiles said nonchalantly .

" you know your heart skipped a beat " Scott said looking near the door , just as Isaac entered , he only gave them a curious look , when he saw them but ended up greeting them , he went back muttering something about getting some fresh air , before he rips off someones head.

"You tell him , I tell Derek , remember that " Scott said as he went out leaving stiles to his own thoughts that absolutely did not include Derek , Derek Hale.

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