Chapter Five: Something Strange This Way Comes (JoJo)

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I jumped into the van as quickly as possible, tossing my meager belongings in the back. There were three people altogether in the car, but the only one I recognized was Mike, who was driving. The other two gave me an odd look. Figured. This was so last-minute, and I was a stranger.

Mike looked at me with confusion and concern. I shook my head at him. The reason I chose to change my decision last minute wasn't his business. In truth, though, I just didn't want to cry in front of them. 

Originally, my decision to stay was because of my mother. As much as my heart ached to leave, I just couldn't knowing that she would fall apart if I did. That is, I thought this until I returned home that day. I saw the one person I ever felt true, pure hatred for. It was the man who always paid for my mother's services in Colorado. The one who encourage my father to fuck his own child, and the one who joined in. He and Mother were on the couch, teasing each other, obviously prepared to do the one thing my mother ever seemed to be good at.

Everything came rushing back. Every memory, every awful vision in my mind. Begin slammed on the ground, feeling my father's and that man's hands around me. The pain. The horror. All the nights I spent crying, wishing Papa wouldn't come home that night. Knowing that all of my innocence was being forced away from my insignificant existence. It was too much. Too much...too much....too much....

How could she do this to me? She knew what he did. She knew it better than anyone, because she was there. What kind of twisted bitch lets someone like that back into her home, no matter how much he paid her? Didn't she care. "We need the money, Jordan!" she screamed. We wouldn't need the money if she didn't spend it all on drugs and booze! "Maybe if you helped...." That was what sent me over the edge. I wasn't a slut like her. I wasn't going to get fucked by anyone as filthy and disgusting as him! That man had done so many horrible things to me, just as much as my father did. Even if it was someone else, I never would! She was sick. She was so, so sick....I wouldn't have cared if she died without me. That revolting whore deserved it.

So, there I was, leaving this damned, hellish place with a bunch of strangers, who probably didn't even want me there.

As I was lost in my dark thoughts, Mike went on to introduce me. "Guys, this is JoJo. She's--ah, a friend." He chuckled nervously, glancing at me. I ignored him, and continued to gaze apathetically out of the window as we got onto the freeway ramp. 

"Were you planning this?" asked one girl to Mike with suspicion. She had a unique look to her; cat-like, slanted eyes that were a dark hazel colour and creamy mocha skin. Her dark hair fell down her back in thin dreads, and she was rather tall. She was exotically beautiful, but didn't look like the type to be messed with. For this, I kind of liked her immediately.

"Uh, no, but..." Mike quavered, "It doesn't really matter. She'll fit in fine." He gave me a reassuring smile, which only got a hint of acknowledgement from me. I wouldn't disagree, because even if I never got on well with people, I didn't think I'd have issues with this small lot. They didn't seem too bad.

"Well then," said the other boy who sat in the back seat with me, "Welcome!" He held out his hand, grinning widely. He was a short, Hispanic boy with messy hair and a slight accent. He looked like the kind of guy who hung around playing Nintendo at lunch. It wasn't a bad thing--I was that type of person as well.

Out of courtesy, I shook his hand. I didn't plan on becoming too close to these people, but I wasn't going to make enemies, either, if I were to be stuck with them for a while. These kids, although I had just met them, somehow already felt important to me. Maybe it was the situation that made them seem that way, but I couldn't help but feel that being with them now was going to have a huge affect on my life--bigger than I expected.

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