A Decision To Break Us

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Summary: Beau and Mitch make the decision to move to Paris for Mitch to start a three year fashion career. The hardest part for Mitch is telling Scott that he's not only moving out but moving away.
A/N: Please give this a chance! I'm actually really proud of this story. I know a lot of people don't like Beau but please read this. There's actually more Scott and Mitch than Beau and Mitch. And please no hating on Beau.
I wanted the title to be in French but I don't speak French and I couldn't find anyone to translate it. But that's okay, it's not like it has to be I just thought it would be cool.

Mitch sat at the counter in Beau's apartment and stirred his coffee. He was sure it was cold by now. His heart was broken and he didn't know how to fix it. He had gotten the opportunity of a lifetime to work in fashion but he had to move to Paris. It would only be for a few years and then he could move back but he was scared. He was leaving his family and friends. He was leaving Scott. He hadn't been separated from Scott for very long in years. He knew he would come back and they would talk on the phone and everything but it would definitely change the flow of their friendship. He wasn't sure he had the courage to do this. He still believed that Scott was his soulmate and it was tearing him apart to leave.

"Hey, babe," Beau said in a sleepy voice. He leaned down and kissed Mitch on the cheek before walking past him to get some coffee. After Beau got his coffee he turned around and leaned against the counter, scrolling through his phone. He noticed Mitch seemed to be upset. "What's wrong?" Mitch sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not sure if I can go through with this Paris thing. I'm leaving everything here for three years. That's a long time to be away." Beau gave him a sympathetic look.

"This is something you've wanted for a long time. You're already basically apart of the fashion world so you might as well make it official. I know three years seems like a long time but it'll go by faster than you think. And we can fly back on breaks and people can fly over to see us. We're not leaving forever." Beau reminded him.

"I know but I have to leave Scott. It's going to crush him for me to just pack my stuff and leave him here alone." Mitch explained.

"Don't you think that he'll be happy for you? He would want you to go, right?" Beau asked, sipping his coffee.

"He would want me to go but it won't make leaving easier. We've hardly been apart through most of our lives. This is going to be hard on both of us." Beau nodded in understanding. He tried to pick his words carefully. He didn't want to upset Mitch more than he already was.

"You're supposed to be there in three weeks. The longer you take to tell him the harder it'll be on both of you. You're tearing yourself up over knowing you'll be leaving. I think if you tell him then you two will have time to talk it over and accept the separation together. It'll make it easier to have more time, right?" Mitch stared at his coffee and sighed again.

"You are right. The question now is how do I tell him?" Beau and Mitch sat in silence while Mitch thought it over.


Mitch decided to take Scott out for a day to hang out. They went to Starbucks and sat at one of the tables to talk and laugh about stupid things. Mitch knew he had to tell Scott his plans. He couldn't keep putting it off. He didn't want to ruin the mood though and he knew saying that he was leaving the country for three years would definitely be a mood changer.

"You've spent the last two nights at Beau's. Spill," Scott said, smirking at Mitch. He was used to getting all of the naughty details because they told each other everything. Mitch chuckled and bit his lip.

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