Broken Hearted (Part 1)

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Summary: Scott and Mitch were happy to be expecting their first child from a surrogate. When tragedy strikes their would be happy family Scott can't handle the grief. He ends up doing something that he'll regret for the rest of his life.

Mitch was cuddled up to Scott in bed. They were both smiling at each other as Scott rubbed Mitch's bare back. Mitch loved being intimate with Scott but he loved the cuddling afterwards a little more. Mitch turned his head to kiss Scott's chest softly.

"I love you," he said quietly. Scott's smile grew wider.

"I love you, too." The blond squeezed Mitch a little tighter. They went back to laying in comfortable silence. Mitch was listening to Scott's heart beat and shut his eyes. He internally groaned when he heard Scott's phone going off. The blond leaned over to grab it off of the night stand.

"It's Madelyn," he told Mitch. "Hey," he answered cheerfully. It wasn't uncommon for their surrogate to call or text them but she usually didn't do it this late at night. Scott listened intently to what was being said by the other person. Mitch could hear enough to know that it wasn't Madelyn, it was some guy. Scott gently pushed Mitch off of him and sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Get dressed. Now," Scott demanded, frantically searching for his clothes. Mitch's stomach dropped and his heart raced. He quickly grabbed his clothes off of the floor and got dressed. Scott was still on the phone, assuring the person that they were on their way.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked when Scott hung up.

"Madelyn starting having really bad pain in her abdomen and she thought it was normal since we're getting close to the due date but then she realized she was bleeding a lot. Her friend took her to the emergency room and all he knows is that something is wrong." Scott had tears in his eyes as he explained and his voice cracked. Mitch felt his heart stop. He forced his legs to move in order to follow Scott out to the car. The entire ride to the hospital was quiet. Mitch silently prayed the whole ride that they're baby would be okay. He even went as far as saying that he didn't care if she had something wrong when she was born as long as she lived.

When they got to the hospital, Scott parked in the first spot he saw. They both got out and practically ran inside and to the front desk. Both of them had tears streaming down their faces and people stared at them but neither one cared.

"Um, we're here for Madelyn Vincent. She's our surrogate," Scott explained, trying to keep his voice steady. He wrapped his arm around Mitch's waist.

"Go on through the double doors and someone there will be able to tell you where she is." They both rushed through the doors and asked the first person they saw. They were directed to a private room down the hall. When they got to the door, a guy was leaning against the wall opposite of the room.

"Are you Mitch and Scott?" He asked when he saw them coming.

"Yeah, are you the one I talked to on the phone?" Scott asked, looking at the closed door.

"Yeah, I think you guys need to talk to a nurse or doctor or something. She's not doing good." The guy answered. That hurt both Scott and Mitch.

"Who? Madelyn?" Mitch asked, terrified of what was happening. He just wanted both of them to be safe. The guy shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Th-The baby?" Scott asked, breathing heavier. The guy let the tears fall as he nodded his head. Scott instantly turned and raced to the nurses station, Mitch not far behind him. "Please, you have to tell me... You have to tell me if our baby is okay. Please?" Scott begged, not being able to contain the sobs anymore. Mitch was crying also as he reached up to rub Scott's back. The nurse behind the desk gave them a sympathetic look.

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