Heart To Heart (Scomiche)

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Summary: Scott and Mitch come home to find their daughter alone with a boy after leaving her home by herself over night. They decide it's time to sit her down and have a conversation with her. 
A/N: Who's ready for some Scomiche parenting? I love the idea of them being parents. If you have any great stories about them being parents please let me know.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with us?" Scott asked as he checked to be sure he had everything. His daughter, Melody, playfully rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure, dad. I'll be fine here. Besides, you guys said I could have a friend over, right?" She asked, looking over as Mitch came down the stairs.

"Yes, one or two friends and you know the rules. Nobody we don't know is allowed over. You don't answer that door for anyone you don't know. You don't tell anyone home alone that includes posting anything about it on any social media. You do not leave this house alone and you have to call or text one of us to tell us where you are going and who you are with. If you need anything while we're gone, Tyler, Mark, and Mason are all going to be home tonight and they know you're here alone with friends. Call them if you need anything. And if anything bad happens text them a 911 and then call police." Mitch told her, giving her his best serious dad expression.

"I know, this isn't the first time you've left me alone." Melody pointed out.

"But it's the first time you've been alone over night. Are you sure you don't want Mark to come stay the night with you? He offered to stay here and he said he would stay in the guest bedroom and away from you and your friends. I would feel a lot better knowing that he's at least here." Scott's tone was begging.

"I'll be fine. We have a security system and I know how to set. Mark and Mason live like on the next street over and can be here in no time. I know the rules and I won't be alone." She reminded them.

"Okay, I just worry about you being here all night without an adult." Scott told her, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I know but I'm fine." She said with a smile. Mitch hugged her and kissed her head too before they got their stuff and said their 'I love yous' and 'goodbyes'. Once the door was shut, Melody set the security system before grabbing her phone off of the coffee table. She sent a text to her friend who she secretly was crushing on and told him to come over whenever he wanted. She hadn't told her parents who was coming over because she knew they wouldn't allow it.

Melody watched Netflix while she waited for Max. Her smile was huge when she got the text saying he was outside. She rushed over to undo the security system and unlock the door. She saw him getting out of his brother's car and she waved at him. He smiled and waved back before grabbing his bag from the backseat and saying bye to his brother.

"Hey," Max greeted when he got to the door. He quickly hugged Melody whose smile got wider. They had been friends for a couple of years. He was a year older than her and had just turned sixteen a month after she turned fifteen.

"You can just lay your bag wherever for right now." She told him, waving her hand at the rest of the room. She reset the security system and made sure the door was locked before joining him on the couch where he was going through Netflix. Melody sat closer than necessary to him and he smiled at her before turning back to the TV. Melody was hoping that this alone time would be just enough for her to show Max how much she liked him.


Mitch and Scott pulled up to the house the next day around noon. They were both happy to see the house still standing. Scott grabbed both of their bags before following Mitch to the front door. The shorter man unlocked the door and put in the code on the secuity system to get it to stop beeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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