Broken Hearted (Part 2)

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         Scott was nervous to stay with Kirstie. He hoped it would help him heal a little but he was also worried. He had obviously seen her since losing Maria but he hadn't been to her house. He hadn't seen all of her baby's things knowing that they would actually get to use them. Her and Jason would be bringing home a daughter in the next couple of weeks.

"Hey, are you holding up?" Kirstie asked, hugging Scott when he walked through the door.

"Not great," Scott admitted. What was the point in lying? He was devastated and didn't care anymore who knew it. She gave him a sad look and hugged him again. He felt her baby belly press against him and instantly felt envy. He tried to push it aside. They decided to watch a movie while waiting for their dinner to be delivered. Kirstie wasn't sure how to talk to Scott. It wasn't like before. Scott was broken right now and she was sure he didn't want to goof off like they usually did.

"Have you picked out a name?" Scott asked, looking over at Kirstie who had a hand on her stomach. She felt weird talking about the baby with Scott because she didn't want to upset him. She began wishing she had asked someone else to stay with her.

"Uh, yeah, we decided on Emily Paige." Kirstie answered, smiling a little.

"That's a pretty name." Scott was watching Kirstie rub her belly. "Can I?" He asked, motioning to her stomach.

"Oh, of course," she answered, moving her hand. He reached over to place his hand on her stomach. After a few seconds, Emily began kicking. Scott's eyes filled with tears when he felt her kick. He remembered the times that they were with Madelyn and their Maria was kicking.

"I swear this kid treats my insides like a play ground." Kirstie joked with a small laugh. Scott removed his hand when he didn't feel Emily kicking anymore. He sniffled and wiped his eyes. Kirstie reached over and rubbed his leg in comfort.

"Things are bad between me and Mitch. I yelled at him and said some terrible things today. I just don't know what to do. I never thought our marriage would fall apart like this." Scott confessed, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's not falling apart. You two just need some time to grieve and work through this. This is probably the hardest thing you'll ever go through and you both have to work through it in your own time and your own way." Kirstie said, rubbing her hand up and down his leg.

"Part of me wonders if we had another baby if it would somehow keep us together. I can't lose Mitchy too." Scott told her.

"Scott, I know what you mean but I don't think trying to have another baby right now is the answer. You need time to grieve Maria. And you can't heal this by bringing another baby into the home." Kirstie told him, feeling her own heart break. Scott and Mitch were basically her brothers and it killed her to watch them go through this.

"Maybe you're right. Our whole life has been about Maria since we found out Madelyn was pregnant. Now that she's gone we don't know what to do with ourselves. I know it's probably not the answer but I just wonder if a baby is the only thing holding us together anymore." Scott explained.

"You two are so madly in love. You're soulmates and that's not going to change. Have you thought about counseling?" Scott shook his head no. "Maybe it would help?"

"Maybe," Scott agreed, looking at Kirstie's stomach again.


Scott laid on the pull out bed in the living room and thought about Maria and Emily. He still felt like a baby was the only thing that was going to keep Mitch with him. He couldn't handle losing Maria and Mitch. He had to do something to keep their marriage going. He considered setting up a meeting with another surrogate, or looking into adoption. He didn't want it to seem like he was trying to replace Maria. He was only trying to save his marriage.

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