Where It All Started

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"Are you ready for this?" I nod, taking long deep breaths to calm the nerves. I can do this, I've been practicing, taught by the best.
"I know it's your first time and you had to change your performance last minute so if you're not ready for this we can leave you out tonight, or put you on later in the night, you don't have to go on first if you don't want to." The sudden support as my time on the stage nears surprises me, where was this support the last month of my life as I trained my butt off to get on this stage?
"I'll be fine." I state, a little too harshly, he's only trying to help, I know that, but I just need this time to myself, to breath and think about what I'm just about to do.
"Alright ladies, are you ready for your worlds to be rocked tonight?" I hear the MC's loud voice boom from the stage through the speakers. "Well ladies I got a special one of you tonight, now he's just starting out tonight, this is his first ever show... But ladies I promise, when you see him you'll think he's been doing this his whole life." Okay that seems too positive, what if now I'm not up to standard and I end up shit?
The music starts and I slowly make my way out on to the stage, turning my back to the crowd of woman. The soft voice of the singer leads me to do slow sensual movements, just as I practiced, until the beat drops and my sub-conscience takes over, leading me through the dance as I have done a hundred times before. Discarding clothing items on the the stage, the floor and the audience.
As the music fades out I am left in my very shiny gold underwear, which leave practically nothing to the imagination. The women go wild for one last time and I smirk. I'm going to be great at this.


"We're on in five. JungKook, you ready?" I nod, taking a deep breath, I can do this. "Look I know it's your first time, but in half an hours time, when you finish off, you can bet your ass that you'll have enjoyed it." Again I nod, but worry sets in.
"What if it doesn't last the whole half hour? What if I... I've never done this before, how do I know I'm doing it right?" I speak my mind and I see the director laugh slightly, coming over to me.
"Don't worry, if it doesn't last it's not a problem, we can always try again another time, and as for doing it right... All you have to do it put it in the right hole, the rest should be pretty self explanatory." Again I nod, I know how to do it but... I guess I'm just letting my worries get to me. I can do this, it's not like it's hard... Well... IT is hard but it's not difficult.
I leave the hair and make up room, only now looking down at the costume choice of the stylists. Checked shirt over a plain white T-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and black converse highs. I'm guessing they are trying to make it look realistic, which makes me feel a little more comfortable, I feel like myself in these clothes.
I come to the set, the director taking notice of me as I stand anxiously, waiting to be told what to do.
"JungKook? Okay here's what I want you to do. Go through that door-" he points at a light brown wooden door at the end of a white corridor. "When we start rolling I want you to come through the the door, come up to her, put your hands on her hips and push her back against the wall, smiling at her and kissing her while doing that. Put your hand against the wall beside her head and kiss her, pulling her body against yours. The rest of it should be just how you want it to go, we want it to be natural but we need you to be rather dominant and confident in what you're doing, okay?" I nod, taking in the information, I can do this. I do as instructed, surprising myself with how naturally aggressive and dominant I am. I am great at this.


"Yeah I'll take a listen to your music, but you do realise that we're a porn agency, not a record label." I nod, of course I know that, non of the record labels would give me a chance, never even listened to anything I had done. No I can't sing but I can rap, I can write songs, compose music... So here I am, asking for the manager of sound production at a porn agency, to give me a job.
He inserts the pendrive in the computer and opens the files, nodding as he takes in the sounds.
"Do you think you could watch a video and be able to make music for that video, based on just watching it?" Again I nod, I'm sure I could, how difficult could it be? I would just have to try stop myself from being turned on. Although I feel that watching porn all day everyday, you soon wouldn't find it all that arousing.
"Then welcome aboard." He smiles, extending his arm to shake my hand.
"Thank you." I smile back, shaking his hand. This is not where I saw my career going... But what other choice do I have?

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