BigHit Entertainment?

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"How was work today?" I thought this would have been fun, that I would enjoy my job. However it is not all sunshine and rainbows. It's tiring and bad for my health and sex is no longer in any way special to me... It's just what I do for a living. That's why I took him up on the singing idea, this YoonGi guy.
"I'm one step closer to never wanting to have sex ever again, how was your day?" I reply as I sit beside my possible saviour.
"I'm one step closer to wanting to gouge my eyes out so I never have to watch porn again." I understand how he feels, I would be the same.
"Is this the song?" I say as I pick up the sheets of paper sitting on his desk.
"That's one of them, yeah. Do you want to go somewhere that's not in this building? I'd very much like to get out of here." I nod in agreement, I almost can't stand being in this place.
"We can go to my place?" I suggest because weirdly I trust this guy. If I didn't I wouldn't have even taken him up on this offer, but something about him makes me feel like he's an older brother who will protect me, save me from this hellish job.


"And the winner of that round is clearly our rap ki... Scrap that rap MONSTER!"
Another night another battle and yet another win. I leave the stage with my pocket full of money, which I hold tight as usual, with the area I live in I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to jump me.
As I make my way out of the crowd and head for home, I am stopped by a voice that doesn't belong in this neighbourhood.
"Rap monster, is it?" I turn to see a man standing in a suit and for a moment I feel guilty, like he's going to arrest me of something.
"NamJoon, although Rap Monster has a nice ring to it." I smirk, trying to play it cool.
"Well, rap monster, how would you like to come work for me?" For him? Who is he? "I can see that has confused you... I work for BigHit Entertainment, and I'm recruiting singers and rappers for a new group." I have always wanted to be a rapper... And at least that way it's legal.
"Call me when you've made a decision." He hands me a card and leaves before I can say anything else. I guess it's worth a shot.


"Yo mate, check this out." My roommate says as he hands me a sheet of paper.
"What is it?" I question before looking at it properly.
"BigHit are holding auditions for all sorts of talents, including dancing and rapping which you can do." To be fair the last time he suggested something to do with dancing it worked out.
"Alright, I guess I could give it a shot, when are the auditions?" I turn to face him, noticing a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Tomorrow." Fuck, that doesn't give me any time to practice or come up with a new routine and I don't know what to rap... Do I just pick random raps from songs that already exist? Do I make up my own? What if they ask me to sing? Should I prepare a song to sing too?
"Mate? You alright?" I snap out of my mental freak out, turning to face him again.
"What should I do?" He smiles once more.
"We'll work it out, don't worry, you'll nail it." At least someone has faith in me.


"Mr Park? He'll see you now." The receptionist says as she enters the waiting area. I nod and stand, following her as she guides me to his office.
"Jimin, glad you could make it. You don't have a clue how happy I was when you decided you would meet with me." I smile faintly, why is he so keen on seeing me?
"I know I was very vague when we met, I am sorry for that, however I wanted to give you time to think about what I did say. Clearly you have." I nod, curious about what he might say next.
"I'm creating this group, I'm hoping to have seven members in this group and I want you to be one of them." Is this going to be worth giving up my stripping for? At least I know at the club I will be getting paid and the women love me and I enjoy what I do... What if this doesn't work out and the club won't take me back? What if I don't enjoy this as much and I want to leave but it ruins it for the rest of the group? What if I don't get along with the other six people?
"I know it's a lot to think about, and if it makes it any easier, you could be there at the auditions tomorrow and I have a meeting next week with a rapper that I hope to add to the group, you could be there to meet him?" That could work I guess, and I'm on good terms with the club, they're supporting my decision, encouraged me to do this, and I'm sure they would happily take me back, and I'd be doing a very similar job I guess.
"If you don't mind me doing that I would like to be there, and spend time with the others before making a decision, I just want to know this is the right decision." He nods, he must really want me in this group as he is trying everything to try get me to consider it.
"I did find this guy on the internet that I think would be good, and he works with a guy who writes all his songs and raps too... Maybe you could try them?" I suggest, referring to the pair who's song I performed the night he saw me.
"Okay, show me them and I'll consider it, maybe get in contact. I will keep you up to date with every step. I want you in this group Jimin." Is this the right choice?


"JungKook!" I hear YoonGi call my name from across the cafeteria. I motion for him to come over.
"So I was looking on our videos and noticed we got a message and I checked it and you are not going to guess who it was from." I look at him confused, who would he be so excited about messaging us?
"BigHit Entertainment. One of the managers there says they want you for a group, says they'd like to meet you." He wants me?
"Wait, what about you?" I don't want to work without him, he's the reason for this happening, I can't get out of here without him.
"They're going to hire me to write songs for the company but aren't you happy? We're getting out of here." I am happy that we're getting out of here, but we're not going to be working together like we have. Ill be in some group while he's working in some office writing songs for all these different idols.
"I am happy, I just didn't think I'd ever be working in the music industry, especially without you." I think he understands where I'm coming from but he probably thinks I'm being stupid.
"Let's at least meet him, talk to him, maybe I could be in the group with you... I could rap, and then I could focus on writing songs for our group." A smile finally makes it was to my lips.
"Let's do it." Goodbye porn, hello music.


"Hello, are you here for the audition?" The receptionist chirpily greets as I approach. I nod and utter a faint 'yeah' to which she smiles, noticing how nervous I am.
"What's your name and I'll add you to the list?" After telling her my name she points me in the direction of the waiting room.
I make my way along the small corridor to the large open space, filled with many people here for the auditions today.
I see an empty seat in the far corner and head to sit there.
"Hi." The guy beside me starts a conversation as I sit.
"Hi." I reply, not that great as small talk.
"What are you here for, singing? Dancing? You don't look like a rapper but then I've been proved wrong about that before." He smiles as he looks down at his hands.
"Singing. I can't dance, I can't really rap that well either but I'm willing to try it." He nods with a look on his face like he's about to s-
"Fair enough, I'm here for dance, and rap, I'm not all that good at singing but I guess I could always try it." Okay so he was about to say that.
"Have you been here for long?" I ask to keep the conversation going, if I'm going to be here for a while I might as well talk to the guy.
"I came in about a minute or so before you so not long, they just took in number ten." I nod, looking down at my number fifty-six sticker, then to his fifty.
"Geez I'm glad I'm not in the hundreds." He breaths out a laugh at my comment as he also looks at his sticker then letting out a loud sigh.
"Did you hear they're building a group and that's why they're holding auditions?" I shake my head, I didn't know much about the auditions, only that I wanted to try it.
"Apparently they've already got a couple guys lined up and they're just looking for a few more, it's supposed to be a seven member group. I don't know how many guys they have already but it's supposed to be an all male group." I wonder if they'd send away all those they didn't want in the group or whether they'd ask them back to recruit them for a different group of as a solo.
"Do you think they'd still ask us back if we're good but not to be part of this group?" At my question he shrugs, contemplating it.
"I guess, if it's a case where they've filled up the spots in the group but they don't want to loose people who are really good then they'll ask them back for something else, either that or make the group bigger." I again nod at what he says.
The door to the audition room opens and a younger boy comes out, he's around 18, I think. He's short, but everyone is rather short compared to me. He's cute, in a way, not too obvious but the girls would like him. Visually he could make the group, but I don't know him... He could be a terrible singer or rapper or dancer... Or he could be okay but not good enough.
"The girls would love him, makes me scared that I won't have a chance in hell." The guy beside me speaks my mind, I mean I wouldn't say I was unattractive, but I'm not sure I would fit in if the rest looked like him.


"Number ten, Kim TaeHyung." I stand as I hear my name and number, following the pretty woman into the audition room.
"TaeHyung, nice to meet you, so you'll be singing today?" I nod at the man's question. "Okay on you go." I take a deep breath as I begin to sing a song I found online. I know they've never heard it before, I hadn't heard of it until last week. However I notice the man who spoke turn to face a boy, around my age, who's eyes were wide open. Why is it only them who are looking at each other? There are others on the panel but they seem to only be caring about how the other is reacting.
"Thank you, TaeHyung." The same guy says as I finish singing. "We'll be in touch." They have the same woman that showed me to see me out.
"Don't worry you did great." She reassures me and I smile, taking a deep breath.
"Thank you." I say before leaving, heading home to try and relax. I wonder why they had those reactions. Was I that good? Did they maybe recognise the song? I know it wasn't the younger guys singing, he looked nothing like him, so what was it?

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