tasty milk

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Wooseok: have u ever thought about milk?

Yuto: what type of milk?

Yuto: white milk

Yuto: chocolate milk

Yuto: strawberry milk

Wooseok: idk

Wooseok: just milk

Wooseok: 👀

Yuto: uyu

Yuto: ohhhh ur talking about our couple name

Wooseok: ✓ seen

Yuto: well that sure took a strange turn

Wooseok: yep

Wooseok: 0-100 real quick

Wooseok: thats life i guess

Wooseok: so about milk-

Yuto: we're not really talking about milk here, are we?

Wooseok: idk

Wooseok: are we?

Wooseok: i mean

Wooseok: i like milk

Wooseok: its tasty

Wooseok: like a lot of things 😉

Yuto: um ok then

Yuto: so anyways i think uyu comes from our two names

Yuto: woo + yu

Yuto: yes?

Wooseok: well duh

Wooseok: im talking about the texture of milk

Wooseok: not where it comes from

Yuto: Wooseok?

Wooseok: yeah?

Yuto: u r one weird bird

Wooseok: but ur wrong

Wooseok: birds lay eggs yuto

Wooseok: birds dont give milk

Wooseok: like seriously

Wooseok: i know ur Japanese

Wooseok: but i still expected better from u

<Yuto has changed his status to brb going to jump off a cliff>

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