Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Justin's POV

How long has it been?

One month? Two months? Maybe even three?

I trusted that Dave would come and break me out of this hell hole, yet I'm still here. I sigh and run my fingers through my dirty hair.

Where the fuck is he?

I pounded my already bloody knuckles at the wall, cracking them again. A new fresh coat of blood oozed out and filled my palm. "Shit." I hissed as the door slammed open.

It was no other than the devil himself.

"Having a little trouble there Justin?" He snickered to himself.

"Shut up Jamie." I spat out his name, like it's a poisonous venom. He slid a paper towel along with a bottle of water under the cell.

"Drink up, we can't get you dehydrated now can we?"

After a long pause of him looking at me like I'm apart of the zoo, i spoke up.

"But you can beat the shit out of me until I can't see out of my left eye?" His cold eyes met mine, both of our gazes never breaking. "You know somebody is going to find me soon? The whole world is freaking out because Justin Bieber is missing. There's probably hundreds of cops looking and, thousands of fans searching for me this very moment. So good luck with your plan."

Another five minutes passed by of us not breaking eye contact, until he spoke .

"Don't be full of yourself, Bieber." and with that the door slammed shut, signifying he left. I sat back down of the cold floor and picked up the paper towel. I pressed it against the now dry blood on my knuckles, making sure all bleeding has stopped. Once done i threw it back out under the cell.

After minutes of staring at the black walls, I knew I had to come up with yet another plan. This time it'll break me out. The cell bars are only a few inches inches tall, there's no way my body will be able to slide through it.

or is there?

and with that i have a escape planned.

sorry for taking so long to update. im updating every chapter once it passes 50 or 100 views, depending on how i feel.

ik that sounds so bitchy sorry guys omg.


i love you all!

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