Chapter 5

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Chapter 15

Harmony's POV

"We're breaking Justin out."

My mouth dropped, and I stood there speechless. "Ri-Right now?"

"Right now. My men are on their way to Jamie's house now. I want you to stay put where you are, the rest of my men are coming to your place."

"Okay." Even though I wished i could come with, i knew it was far too dangerous. I didn't want to end back up there.

"They'll knock three times, signaling it's them. Do not answer the door if it isn't three knocks. Got it?"

"Got it." We said our goodbyes and then hung the phone up.

I can't believe they're getting Justin. This is too true to be. After all these months of waiting, he will finally come home to me.

Three loud booms jumped me out of my thoughts of Justin coming home, I slowly opened the door that revealed 3 large men. They were at least 6'6 and their arms were as big as my head. "Are all windows and doors locked?" The one with a black sleeked pony asked.

"Yeah, i keep them all locked at all times."

"Good, we don't want any of them' bastards breaking in." The bigger man, who had a buzz cut spoke up. "I'm Greg," he pointed to the man with a pony, "that's Bradley," and then he pointed to the guard who looked to be around my age, "and that's Tyler. Do you wanna know the plan? Dave told us to tell you." I quickly nodded as my answer, wanting to know what's going to happen in able to get Justin back.

"There are six men scattered around the area, three out of the six men are going to break into the house and locate where Justin is. The other three are going to search the area for any runners." Tyler spoke.


"In case your dad runs, we can't let that little shit get away." Greg said like it was something obvious.

After a hour of sitting around watching TV, we decided to play cards. It was now past midnight, and i was nervous as ever. The same questions were swimming around in my head.

All three of their phones went off at the same time, Tyler was the first to pull his out.

"They've got Justin."


this chapter sucks ass sorry. it took you guys so long to reach 50 reads.

my next goal is 60 reads, 2 comments relating to the chapter and more than 20 votes on each chapter.

there is over 100 of you reading, so this shouldn't be too hard. i know goals are annoying but this story isn't doing as good as i thought it would.

thanks guys i love you all.


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