Chapter 2 - Namjoon

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You sighed as you laid back in bed not wanting to leave it's warmth, your phone sat beside you as you closed your eyes again only to open them moments later, a text lighting up your phone's screen.

Good morning (Y/N)~

You picked your phone up rolling to your side as you began to type back.

Moooorning Jin~

Did you know I was addicted to the hockey pokey?

Eh? The kids dance?

Yes! Yes! But I turned myself around!

You raised a hand to your face laughing quietly at Jin's terrible joke as you sat up on your bed, your mind wandering to the unplanned day ahead of you as you looked back to the phone's screen.


Hey Jin?
Do you want to
meet up today?


I would like that  ^^

Where do you want to meet?

At the park in the
centre of the city?

I'm already there-
I have a friend here too.

Okay, I'll be on my way.
See you there.

You put your phone into a backpack, slinging it over your back as you looked at the clock in your room, it was 1:03pm. You opened your apartment door closing it behind you as you ran carefully down the hard stairs onto the footpath, looking carefully at the road as you crossed. Your vision flashing as you reached the other side of the road, images of a different house, a different city in your mind...

"Hey! Watch where your going!"A man snapped angrily, picking his suitcase from the ground as you mumbled an apology continuing on your way

Jin looked on the chair beside him to Namjoon, smiling as he stole the food sat on Jin's lap.

"Hey! Hey don't take my food Namjoon!"Jin laughed as he flailed his hand at his friend

"Hey- hey it's my food now"Namjoon beamed as he ate it happily

"Hey! Aye! That's disrespectful!"Jin whined

Jin elbowed Namjoon who only laughed almost falling from the seat. Jin laughed as his vision blurred.

"Rapmon! Jin!"A girl squealed as Namjoon hugged Jin

"Jin are you okay?"Namjoon worried

"Huh? Yeah-"Jin shook his head gently, "here here taste this!"

Namjoon ate from the fork Jin held, nodding in approval.

"Thats good!"Namjoon grinned

"Jin?"A girl/boy asked

He looked to the girl/boy he had met in the cafe as she/he smiled.

"Is this her/him?"Namjoon asked

"Yep, (Y/N) this is Kim Namjoon. Namjoon this is (Y/N) (l/n)."Jin introduced

You smiled, "nice to meet you Namjoon"

"Nice to meet you too (Y/N)"Namjoon held out a hand, you shook it happily

Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you took it out looking at the text.

Namjoon's number :)

(Directed to xx-xxx-xxx-xxx)
Sup Namjoon?

Sup (Y/N)

You laughed as you looked up to the two boys.

"So what are you two doing here?"You questioned

"Oh just going over something for work"Namjoon shrugged

"And lunch!"Jin continued, "here taste this."

You looked to the food sitting on a fork extended to you eating it awkwardly- the taste immediately becoming clear.

"Jinnnnnn did you make that?"You said awestruck

"Yeah he sure did, his a good cook right?"Namjoon smiled

"Yesssss~ that's so good Jin!"You praised him

His cheeks became hot, pink rising to his ears as he smiled.

"Thank you (y/n)"

"Aweeee Jin's a tomato now"Namjoon teased him laughing as he wrapped his arm over Jin's broad shoulders

You laughed with Namjoon as Jin hid his face in Namjoon's shirt.

"Awww Jin! You should cook me dinnerrrr this is gooood!"You smiled

"Yeah Jin you should cook her dinner!"Namjoon winked to you, "it can be a date!"

"Namjooooon!"Jin whined

"Come on dude you know you want to!"Namjoon laughed

"Okay! Okay I willll!"Jin mumbled

"Yay! Food!"You cheered laughing


Chapter 2 - Namjoon
Word count: 670
Date Written: 25-01-18

- so right right- I need you and Jin to fall in love right? And then I can do the part I really want to do that wiLl Be awesome and I want it to be perfect 👌

- but aye you can text Namjoon now so that's lit

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