Chapter 9 - Again

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It was too late to stop the tears as you looked down at the texts from Namjoon, you cried out loud sounds as you used your hands to cover your mouth. You weren't sure if you were crying from fear, sadness or happiness at this point, all you knew is that you were crying.


The banging erupted on your door as (f/n)'S voice called out for attention. You opened the door and they hugged you immediately.

"(Y/N)..hey"Namjoon smiled behind her/him

"H-Hey Namjoon"You smiled, still crying but lacking the loud wailing from before

"Don't cry."Jin smiled, tears slipping down his cheeks from behind glasses, the glasses he'd gotten in that dream

And then you cried a little harder.

"Don't cry."Jin repeated as he hugged you, your friend stepping back

"Am I dreaming again?"You muttered

"Your wide awake"Jin smiled

"Wow I can't watch this"Namjoon teased

"B-be quiet"You smiled as Jin rubbed away your tears kissing your cheek

"Well does anyone want to explain why my best friend is hugging an idol she's never met before?"(F/N) laughed

"Dreams, their soulmates"Namjoon rolled his eyes

"No way"(F/N) gaped

"Yes way"

"No I meant that's like extremely lucky"(F/N) shrugged as you let go of Jin

"Yeah"You smiled, "I'm glad I'm awake and everything happened this way..."

"Which is even luckier!"(F/N) chimed

"Noooooo don't jinx it"Namjoon frowned as you looked to him

"Do you want to marry me?"

"WAIT WHAT? ALREADY?!"You screamed a little too loud as the neighbourhoods dogs errupted into loud barking

"Yeah well I don't want to loose you"Jin smiled shyly

"Then yes"You smiled shaking your head as you hugged him

It's fair enough to say that your life from that point was better than you could ever hope, there were downsets like the few angry fans but otherwise it was perfect.


Chapter 9 -Again
Word count: 330
Date Written: 04-01-18

-Thanks for reading :D
-I'd love to hear what you thought ❤️

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