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I watch him out of the corner of my eye while he waits for whoever he just texted to reply. I turn my head slightly so I can see him better, he catches my gaze and I blush. I quickly turn away and focus on my blank computer screen. I feel his eyes still on me, making me uncomfortable. I glance up and see him staring at me, I look away. "Your staring." I say.

"Admiring from a distence." He responds, I blush violetly.

"Who did you text?" I ask in an attempt to change the subject.

"Iris." He responds, I nod. Why Iris, out of everyone it just had to be the pretty, sweet, smart, happy Iris.

"Any reason why?" I ask kind of already knowing the answer.

"Um, I've been in love with her since I was 11 and now we might have a shot together." He says I accidentally roll my eyes, luckily he didn't see.

"Right," I whisper I look back at my computer screen, it's blank.

"You know you actually have to turn the computer on for it to work right." Barry says.

"Who said I wanted to turn on the computer?" I question, he opens his mouth to say something but shuts it quickly. I smile brightly knowing I won. "Barry Allen at a loss for words, well that's a first." I tease, he pretends to act hurt cause me to laugh.

"Caitlin Snow laughing, now that's a first." He says, I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I mumble, he laughs. His phone rang.

"It's Iris what should I do?" He asks. He's asking me the girl who has been daydreaming about him for almost two years now for advice on how to get another girl. I glace at the time 5:46pm.

"Answer it." I say duly, he nods and answers.

"Hey Iris, um I'm at star labs, yes, yes, sure I can meet you at jitters in 10, okay bye." Barry hangs up, a smile spreads across his face. "Iris asked me to meet her at jitters."

"Wow, that's so great." I say putting on my best smile and forcing the little amount of joy I have left into my voice. Barry beams at me.

"What should I do? Do I look okay, how's my hair?" Barry panics.

"Barry, you should go to jitters, you look good, and your hair is perfect." I say.

"Thanks Caitlin, your the best." Barry says before running out of the cortex.

"Bye barry." I say, "and now I'm talking to myself... great." I whisper, I stare at the clock it is now 5:49pm; after dusk. I open a drawer in my desk and pull out a neatly folded peice of paper. I unfold it and read it over and over again, I trace my fingers across the words as I read hoping it will give me a sense of reassurance.

I did the right thing... right? I mean helping Barry with Iris in anyway I can, instead of telling him the truth. Should I tell him the truth? No, I can't do that. It would ruin our friendship, and he'd probably hate me for the rest of my life. Would he hate me? Yes, yes he would.

"Hey Caitlin." I hear someone say snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn around and see Cisco standing a few feet away from me. "Where did Barry go?" He asks.

"Jitters, with Iris." I say, Cisco nods.

"What's in your hand?" He says pointing to the paper.

"Oh nothing." I say, hiding the paper behind my back. Cisco raises his eyebrow and walks closer to me.

"Caitlin what's in your hand?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say, I fold the paper up and put it in my pocket. Cisco rolls his eyes and walks away. I let out I breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"When you want to stop lying to me, I'll be in the speed lab." Cisco said, he left the cortex. I leaned against the wall, looking up at the ceiling, I close my eyes.

I wish I didn't help Barry today, I wish I had the guts to just tell him the truth. It's fine though, I'm used to helping Barry. I mean, it's Barry and I want him to be happy. There's nothing wrong with that... right?

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