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"I wish you were right here, right now."

Day 2

It's been two days since Barry went missing and I already miss him. Sometimes at night I can hear his voice echoing through my mind telling me it will be okay. I check my phone blankly, I miss seeing his name on the screen. I haven't left my apartment to do anything including going to work. I pick up my phone and make a call.

"Hey, I know that your not going to get this but I just wanted you to know that everyone's okay. Iris has been living with Joe, Cisco went to go visit gypsy, and me... I'm gonna get you back. I'm not going to stop looking for you, I promise. Okay, bye... I miss you Barry." I hang up and put my phone away.

It's almost 10 o'clock at night so I make myself dinner. I sit and eat my dinner in silence, but silence isn't quiet. My thoughts run through my brain at lightning speed.

I accidentally hit my hand onto the table, making my thoughts go away.

"Ow," I whisper lifting my hand off the table.

I clean up my dinner and start getting ready for bed. I lie in my bed reading. When we get Barry back I'm not going to help him anymore, I can't. I begin to work on ways to get Barry back that we haven't already tried. I fall asleep shortly after that.

Day 5

It's been five days now and I haven't thought of anyway to find Barry. I think I'm going to go to work today... maybe. I finish my tea and cereal and get ready. I put on a STAR Labs sweater and jeans. I walk out of my apartment and drive to work

"Hey Caitlin," Cisco says when I enter the cortex.

"Hi Cisco," I say, I catch Iris staring at me. "Hello Iris." I say politely, she ignores me. I begin to work with Cisco on finding Barry. Joe walks in a few minutes later.

"Have you found anything yet?" Iris asks.

"Have you guys found anything yet?" Iris asks.

"No Iris," I say.

"Aren't you guys like geniuses?" She asks but it feels like she's attacking me.

"We're working as hard as we can Iris." I say.

"Where have you been for five days?" She asks. "You know I actually don't believe you even care that Barry's gone."

Oh, that's it.

"Look, I am doing everything I can to find him Iris and your not doing anything! You just stand there doing nothing insulting me for trying to find Barry! And for the record I do care that Barry's gone, I care a lot-" I ask crossing me arms and standing up.

"I didn't think you were capable of caring for any one!" Iris yells.

"Hey, hey, hey, knock it off." Joe says coming in between us.

"I need some air," I mutter, I turn on my heel and walk out if the cortex. I storm down the hallway balling my hands into fists. Angry runs through me with no escape, no outlet. I decide that I'm too angry to drive so I start walking to my house.

I open my apartment door and close it behind me. I sit on the couch and try to calm down when my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Cait,"

A/n: ummm what do you think? (iwywswiftie) I'm preparing for your rant lol.

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