Chapter 1

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Authors Note: This is my first fanfic and I honestly don't even know if anyone will read this so if you do pretty please leave me a comment. I know it's annoying that writers always ask for feedback but it's just a little thing and I would just like to know if someone is reading my work. Thanks!

The burrow was complete chaos, as usual, even more so because it was a Sunday, which means Sunday family dinner. The magically extended table sat in the garden with Mr and Mrs Weasley, Andromeda, Bill and Fleur, Charlie, George and Angelina, Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny, Harry bouncing baby Teddy on his lap.

Bill clinked his glass with his fork, many times, before the table fell silent. "Fleur and I have an announcement to make" he began with a deep voice, the light illuminating his scars, but was cut off by Mrs Weasley.

"Yes yes yes!! Your pregnant!!! Oh my gosh I'm so proud I've always wanted grandchildren thank you thank you!" She gushed as she pushed back her chair and rain to embrace Bill and Fleur before either could say a word.

The table erupted with questions being shouted at both Bill and Fleur. "Oo what's going to be the name?" Hermione asked. "Yeah Congrats bro" shouted George.

"Alright alright people come down" shouted Mr. Weasley. "Congratulations to the both of you son" he beamed at the glowing couple.

"Thank you Arthur" Fleur said, blushing.

Everyone rushed over to congratulate them, Percy pompously shaking his hand. (Although Percy has gotten better he's still a bit of a prat sometimes.)

Harry looked down at his beautiful girlfriend and squeezed her hand, enjoying the look on her face as she watched Hermione and Ron argue again over god knows what.
George had told Bill to name his kid George Jr. and Angelina was sternly telling him that no child shall ever be named George Jr. because they will cause too much trouble.

"Any parenting advice you got for me dad" Bill asked his father once everyone settled down back at there seats.

Arthur launched into a whole complex story of parenting while Mrs Weasley began talking to Fleur about baby names and nursery colors and parenting and on and on she went.

Ginny just turned to Harry and smiled, and teased him about having kids of their own, just because it made him blush.

"Now now" Ron interrupted, "there will no Potter children for a long time you hear?. That's my sister your holding Potter. I'm watching you" he joked, though harry was afraid he was slightly serious.

"Thanks for that mate but I don't think Ginny needs you to protect her she's quite capable of doing it herself" Harry told him.

"Yes I am Ronald, indeed far more capable then you." Ginny retorted, sticking her tongue out at Ron.

Hermione turned to Ron and said, "she's got a point you know" Ron threw his hands up in defeat and laughed.

"Hey Harry" Bill called from across the table, desperate to get away from his slightly overbearing father and mother. "How did your uncle parent? I'd like to look at it from a muggle perspective"

"Yes indeed Harry how was your uncle?" The Weasley patriarch asked, practically bursting with excitement.

Only Ginny noticed Harry tense up and grow rather pale.

"Oh um" Harry started, "my Uncle is not the best muggle parenting example" he said, looking extremely uncomfortable, growing pale. "Especially since I slept in a cupboard." Harry added under his breath, but nobody heard.

"Uh perhaps you should ask Hermione about muggle parenting her parents are nice" Harry said turning to Hermione, letting it a deep breath. But he grew pale again once he saw that look on Hermione's face, that one where she's trying to figure something out.

Everyone could tell that there was something Harry wasn't sharing, and the tension in the room was so thick it was practically tangible.

Ron was looking at him funny too, and he only knew the barest of what the Dursley's were like because of second year.

"What do you mean by that Harry?" Ginny asked, turning to her boyfriend.

"By what Ginny?" He asked, visibly paling.

"By the fact that your uncle isn't the best parenting example." Harry was really getting nervous now.

"We just don't get on great that's all."

"Really? Because I don't think that's all..." Hermione added. The two witches were now almost in full interrogation mode.

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