Chapter 5

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THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL WHOSE READING VIRTUAL HUGS TO ALL!!!!!!! Am I doing a good job on this I have literally no self-confidence?? Sorry for the short updates

Harry took a deal breath, "You guys don't have to go murder the Dursley's to defend my honor or whatever, it doesn't matter. That was a long time ago and it's behind me now and I've forgiven them so we can just sit down and enjoy dinner. I'm sorry Bill and Fleur for ruining your announcement."

Bill and Fleur rushed to assure Harry that he didn't ruin anything but the rest of the Weasleys still look murderous.

"No Harry maybe you've forgiven them but I don't! This obviously still affects you so stop pretending that it doesn't" Ginny shouted, her face red from all the yelling.

Ron just shook his head and said, "Mate don't you get it, we care about you and aren't okay with someone abusing you like that!"

"That doesn't mean you have to go kill them!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry maybe the reason we're upset is because we care about you okay!!!" Hermione half yelled half sobbed.

Harry actually looked utterly baffled at the fact that they cared about him, even though they have for years. 

Mrs. Weasley just exploded with sobs and cam running towards him. "Oh you poor thing!"

Harry wasn't sure what to do. He awkwardly patted Mrs. Weasley on the arm while he tried to reassure her that he was fine.

Mrs. Weasley quickly collected herself. "Oh look at me crying it's you who should need comforting" she said as she wiped her tears."

Harry look bemused. "Really Mrs. Weasley I forgave them a long time ago. It hasn't bothered me for years."

"That's exactly the thing though Harry! Maybe it doesn't bother you now but you could have told us before! Didn't you trust us?" Ginny asked, looking hurt.

"Of course I trusted you Gin it was just I don't know maybe I didn't think you'd believe me. Or that you wouldn't be able to do anything and would just pity me."

"Harry of course we'd be able to do something" Hermione spoke up from where she and Ron were crying on a chair.

"Well nobody in the muggle world was ever able to do something so why would you?" Harry asked, running a hand through his hair.

"You actually asked for help?" George asked.

"Yeah I did. And nobody believed me, and if they did they couldn't do anything. Just like in the wizarding world. So forgive me if I was hesitant to open up."

At that everyone realized just how big of an impact Harry's childhood had on him. Not only just making him skinny, but also self-sacrificing because he thought himself worthless, not knowing love, not trusting to adults and not opening up to people.

And everyone hated the Dursley's for it.

"Harry you might be able to forgive the Dursley's but I for one can't. I don't think anyone here can actually. But I promise we won't kill them." Ginny said.

"Alright" Harry sighed.

They sat down to eat a somewhat awkward dinner, and everyone was still casting Harry sympathetic looks, which he skillfully ignored.

But as Harry headed home he didn't notice George getting out a list of pranks to pull on the Dursley's...

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