Hallway Kisses (Len x Kaito)

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[ authors note- NYAA = Northeastern Young Artists Academy

"Len, this is hardly the time to be

The boy blinked, scratching his head. "What?"

Rin rolled her bright eyes. "Hello? There's studying to be done!" The twin tossed her hair back and mumbled to herself.

"Who cares?? Finals aren't until next Thursday." Len bit his lip and leaned back into his chair. Soon, school would be out- in just a few short weeks! No more stuffy classrooms, no more nagging classmates, and best of all, no tests! And, no more snooty vocal coaches you told you what notes to sing and what words to utter.

"Fine, you get an F. Watch me care." Rin said sarcastically, scribbling angry notes into her school planner. On each day in her planner, she wrote "Study. Finals soon."

"Rin, you oughta relax! It's only our first year here." Len whispered in a collected voice.

"Our first year? This is an amazing school, Len. Just for people like us. Mom sent us here because we want to achieve our dreams. It's not just any school, it's a school for vocal artists. We have to get above a c, or guess what?? We're outta here." Rin was furious. Her face was frustrated and looked like she was 100% done with everything.

Len looked out the window, tinted sunlight rolling onto his cheekbones. "Whatever, Rin. Take a chill pill."

Rin shook her head. She was even laughing a little bit. "Okay then. Think of how privileged you are. You're throwing all your singing talent away if you don't also get good grades in normal classes." Rin buried her nose into her L.A book- "References of Historical Texts in the Modern Era" and said nothing else.

Len sighed. He slowly took all of his books and piled them into his backpack. Why did grades matter so much if this school was for the vocally talented? His voice was one of his only talents.

Len pulled his reading glasses away from the bridge of his nose and tucked them away into a case that said "Vocaloid" on it. "Vocaloid" was a band Len and a few of his friends made up a couple of years back. They were 10, 11 and just doing it for fun. Still, Len wanted the childish dream of "vocaloid" to exist...somehow.

Len passed through the hallways to the dorm rooms. Only fourteen, but expected to live in a dorm, with only a roomate.
Sure, he was priveleged- but where did his childhood go?

Len turned the door knob to his dorm. No one was inside. Only the computer buzzed.

Len threw his heavy backpack on the top bunk of the bed and rolled into the spinny-chair situated in front of the computer screen.

A new email from "Gmail alert Plus" or whatever blooped on Len's screen.

From: mkagamine@sbcglobal.net <M Kagamine>
To: lennybobenny@gmail.com <Len Kagamine>
Subject: Hey Sweetie!

"Great, it's from mom." Len rolled his eyes.

Dear Lenny-bo
How is school going? Is your sweet voice okay?? :) I bet. I can't believe you're almost at your second year at N.Y.A.A! So proud :) I suppose your grades are good. I sent an E-Mail to Rinny too. Have you got yourself a girlfriend?? I hope so! You're such a ladies man.
Reminder that school is almost out, so hang on, sweetie pie! :) I will pick you up on campus on the 17th of June. E-Mail your Momma back please!

"I find it funny that Mom thinks I'm straight." Len laughed, clicking the "reply" button. "I guess I haven't told her that I'm not." Len's hands flew to the keyboard and began to type madly.

Hi mom-
I'm fine. However, my grades aren't as good as I want them to be. Finals are soon. My voice is fine, too, just like me. I'm not a ladies man and I don't have a girlfriend. It gives me hope that you think I might get into a relationship with someone, though.
-Your son len

"Ah, whatever. That'll do. I guess I have to do my homework now." Len right clicked his mouse then lugged himself out of the chair and up on to his bunk bed.

The boy somehow forced himself to study and push through his homework. The only thing motivating him was the music running through his headphones.

"Hey, Len!" The door closed.
Len pulled his headphones out of his ears. "Hey, Yuuma."

Yuuma was his room mate. He was referred to as "VY2 Yuuma" because he was drastically different before he changed his hairstyle and personality.

"Yo, you reading for finals?" The other teen took off his hat and threw his jacket and bookbag on the lower bunk.

"Yeah," Len mumbled, his mind scrambling. So much work to do, so little time.

"I was just studying with Kaito. He's a really neat guy, you know. You would like him. Have you heard of him?" Yuuma asked politely.

"Of course. I've never seen him before, though. He's quite popular." Len didnt look up at Yuuma, but instead pretended to trail his eyes over schoolwork. In reality, he was just trying to look like he was being cool and studying.

Kaito was one of the most popular seniors. He was supposedly a mellow guy who had tons of friends and a calm but silly personality.
Len had never laid eyes on him, but assumed he was pretty darn attractive.

"Wanna study with us tomarrow then? You seem pretty engaged with that book."

Len hated interacting with people he didn't know. "Maybe. I might have plans." Lies. Even though Len was popular to the eye, he never had anything to do. The cold hard truth was, he was antisocial. Len was only popular because he was incredibly talented (singing-wise).

"Whatever you say, bro. Kaito wants to meet you."

Kaito. If Kaito wanted to meet him, then maybe. Just maybe he'd study with them.

<time skip because I'm lame and I don't want to write filler stuff>

It was around time for supper, and len's stomach was letting out brutal war cries.
Miku was teasing Len all down the hallways to the cafeteria, ruffling his hair and poking him.

Miku was two years older then Len. She used to be super popular, but soon she was just viewed as a nice girl who tried to be cool towards everyone. No one hated Miku. It was unheard of. When Miku was younger, she was the one "stole" the idea of "Vocaloid" from Leon and Lola, two kids that lived in her neighborhood. Childhood.

"So Len, it's pizza night. Are you gonna get pizza? Or?" That was Oliver, one of the youngest boys at the academy. He was super intelligent but no one seemed to notice him. He worked his butt off 24/7 to get accepted to the school.

"Yeah, probably." Len stood in line impatiently.
Len's eyes widened as he realized he forgot his Food Card. Every student had to have a food card with their account number if they wanted any meal.
"Shit! I forgot my card!" Len grit his teeth.
"Quickly, go upstairs!" Oliver pushed Len out of line.

The boy pushed through people, bugging them to get away from him. He finally got out of the crowd and entered the main hallway of the school. His card was all the way up in his dorm!

All of a sudden, Len crashed into a tall, handsome guy.

"Excuse me!" Len panted, embarassed. He got off of the guy as quickly as possible. Fixing his collar, he apologized. "Sorry!"

"No need to apologize." The guy was Kaito! He had rounded blue eyes and a navy blue scarf tied neatly around his neck. His smile was warm and content, and he smelled like... warmth? Len scoffed and scratched his head, his face feeling hotter than tar on a summer a day.

"Hey, you're Len, right? Are you studying with us on tomorrow? Yuuma texted me." Kaito's voice was so smooth and... just plain attractive.
It was like water.

"U-uh, yeah, sounds good!" Len stammered, heating up every time he made eye contact with Kaito.

"Good! See you in the Library, then!" Kaito casually walked off.

Oh man, oh man. Len was smiling all the way to his dorm. His stomach's extreme groaning had now halted. A goofy grin was plastered on the boys face.

All throughout dinner, Len was unusually happy. Kaito wanted to study with him!!

Never had he felt so in love.

[ So, guys! That was Chapter one of Hallway Kisses. Chapter two will get more into their relationship, I guess. Remember to comment! c: Ilyyy ]

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