Dick Grayson (Robin) X Villain Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name
(V/N) Villain Name
(W/O/C) Weapon Of Choice
(H/L) Hair Length
(H/C) Hair Colour
(H/S) Hair Style
(S/C) Skin Colour
(E/C) Eye Colour
(N/N) Nickname
(Y/F/N) Your Full Name

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I opened my locker quietly, my best friend, Dick, hadn't been in school recently, and I was really worried. "(Y/N)!" Someone called, I would know that voice anywhere. I turned and grinned at Dick, he was grinning back at me. "Hey Dick! Have you been Ok? You haven't been at school recently." I shuffled my feet nervously. "I've been whelmed! Everyone else has been overwhelmed or underwhelmed." Dick's grin grew and I smiled at the way he spoke. I turned to grab my History textbook from my locker and froze.


The familiar cackle of the boy blunder echoed around the area of Gotham I was in. "Come on (V/N), can't you just be whelmed, everyone else has been overwhelmed or underwhelmed."

Flashback ended.

I gasped at the hand waving in my face. "You okay (Y/N)? You seemed a bit shocked." I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, Yeah, totally okay." I closed my locker quickly as we started to walk to History. "Want to hang out tonight?" I asked him, glancing his way. He stopped suddenly, and I looked back at him. "Uh, no, sorry (Y/N) I'm busy." He quickly walked off, I watched him quietly, hurt flashing in my eyes.

Dick's P.O.V

I sighed, I really wanted to tell (Y/N) I was Robin, but I couldn't, Batman would have my head if I told her, but she was my best friend, and over the years, another feeling had grown. I realised I had ended up at the manor, walking down to the Batcave I saw Batman looking at the computer. "Dick, get ready, (V/N) has been causing trouble in Happy Harbour." I nodded, quickly going and changing.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The Joker had asked for my help, so here I was, helping him, I used my grappling gun to get to a rooftop, I was keeping an eye on the Joker's men. "Well Well, still not whelmed (V/N)?" I turned around quickly, grabbing my (W/O/C) quickly and pointing it towards him and glared from behind my mask. "Well well, still the boy blunder." I growled a bit, copying his town of voice, he quickly threw a batarang at me, I dodged, but it cut my mask, the mask dropped and I froze, letting my (H/L) (H/C) hair cover my face, but he had seen my face already, it was too late. "(Y/N)?" Shock laced his voice as I look up at him.

Dick's P.O.V

(Y/N) my (Y/N), my best friend, was (V/N), how had I not realised it? Same (H/L) (H/C) hair, always done in the same style, a (H/S), clear (S/C), the same beautiful (E/C) eyes looked up at me, fear and anxiousness shone in her eyes, I walked closer quietly. "(Y/N), why?" I asked her as I got closer, taking off my mask.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I whimpered softly. "I needed the money Dick, my parents, they ran off, left me......I-I, I needed a way to survive, it's a dog eat dog world Dick...." He wrapped his arms around me as I started to cry. "You could have asked me." He said softly, stroking my hair gently. I looked up, and he wiped the tears off my cheeks gently, leaning his forehead against mine, I wanted to tell him how much I liked him, but there was no way he liked me like that, but, he hadn't finished speaking. "You make me whelmed (N/N)....(Y/F/N) I love you....More than a friend, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I felt like I would cry again, but from happiness, I smiled. "I love you too, boy wonder, I would love to be your girlfriend." Dick leant down, pressing his lips against mine in a gentle kiss.

A/N: Sorry for the short One Shot, if you want a part 2, tell me, this is my first One Shot as well, I hope you enjoyed the One Shot, I'm also open to criticism.

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