4.*Sniff Sniff*

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Welcome home - 2pm.

Yoongi woke up and slowly got out of bed, cat stretched in the middle of the room, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. His eyes were still a bit puffy from crying earlier, and they were a bit tender too. He got dressed in one of his favorite outfits; a black oversized hoodie, light blue ripped jeans, and a pair of white vans.

Once he was ready, he started heading downstairs. He wanted to apologize for the way he'd treated Jimin earlier. He may have been upset, but that was no excuse to treat him like that. As Yoongi came down the landing, he realized that he couldn't hear Jimin. He could smell him(obviously he lives there too) but he couldn't see him. Yoongi looked all over the house looking for Jimin. Nothing. So he decided to take another look. When he turned the corner to go and look in the living room again, his ears twitch when he hears the front door being unlocked. Jimin's home! The little hybrid got excited when he saw Jimin walking through the door. So excited in fact, that he ran at full speed towards the older.

"Welcome home master! I mi-", he started to say excitedly, until he comes to an abrupt stop mere inches from Jimin.

Yoongi stops when his little nose catches a scent that's not Jimin's, the scent was sweet like Jimin's, but different. Jimin smells like cotton candy, at least that's what Yoongi says. In fact Yoongi once asked Jimin to dye his hair pink so that he'd look how he smelled. And to the hybrids disappointment, he said no. But the scent he was currently picking up smelled like strawberries and chocolate. "Yummy", Yoongi thought. And then Yoongi smelled something else, something familiar. Yoongi could of sworn that to a certain extent the scent was similar to Yoongi's.

"Yoongi why are you moving your nose like that?", Jimin asked as he watched Yoongi smell the air with intensity. He couldn't help but chuckle at the kittens behavior.

"Master don't you smell that? It smells like there's another hybrid here.", he states as he smells the air. Yoongi smells the same scent coming from Jimin, "master, why do you smell like another hybrid?", he asked as he smelled Jimin's body from head to toe. "Even your hand smells different. Let me smell the other one.", he says, curiosity layering his voice.

When Yoongi goes to grab Jimin's right hand, he's caught off guard when there's already another hand holding Jimin's. He peered behind Jimin, and his heart broke when he saw another hybrid. 'He's replacing me? Is it because I'm a bad boy?', he asked himself. Before Yoongi even realized it, his lip was quivering and a tear began to fall.

"Why are you crying kitten?", Jimin inquired.

"Cause y-you don't wan-t me a-anymore!", he sniffles and hangs his head down in shame.

Jimin lets go of the other hybrids hand and hunches over a bit so he can look Yoongi in the eyes. He puts his hand under Yoongi's chin and raises his head back up, "of course I still want you silly. Baby, master would never give you up. Don't you know that?", he asks the saddened kitten.


"Really.", he reassured. Jimin turns around to ask YN to come to him, and she does. Jimin places the two hybrids in front of each other. Yoongi was a bit short, but YN made him look tall at a whole 5'1, considering she was only 4'4. "Yoongi this is YN. YN this is Yoongi.", Jimin introduces them to one another. "You kitties are gonna be best friends.", he coos.

Now instead of the hybrids saying 'hi' or 'hello' like people would normally do, they instead started doing an almost "on the hunt" type stances. Jimin watched in anticipation as the two cats circled around the room. YN comes to a complete stop as Yoongi goes around her sniffing her to see if she was a friend or foe. He stops circling her and she starts circling him instead, sniffing all around his body. She stops and the two kittens just kinda stare at each other for a second, and then to Jimin's surprise they hug. Yoongi doesn't let anyone(other than Jimin that is)touch him, let alone hug him. And it brings a smile to the happy master's face.

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