7.Play Date From Hell

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[a/n: He's such a bean, I can't handle his adorableness.]

Jungkook professional babysitter?: 8:30am

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Jungkook professional babysitter?: 8:30am

It had been a whole five seconds since YN and Yoongi had come down the stairs, and Hoseok and Taehyung were already visibly excited to meet a new hybrid. Just as Jimin was about to introduce the little puppies to the little kitten, Taehyung had beat him to the punch.

"Hi! I'm Taehyung. Everyone calls me Tae. This is Hoseok. And everyone calls him Hobi.", Tae said faster than Jimin and Jungkook had ever heard him talk.

"Hi Tae Tae! Hi Hobi! I'm YN!", the little kitten said cheerfully, clearly happy to be making new friends.

Jimin and Jungkook smile at her adorableness. Yoongi on the other hand just scowls at the two pups standing before him. Jimin can already tell that Yoongi's going to make the poor pups and Jungkook's day miserable. Just as he's about to tell him to behave he gets a peek at the clock on the wall in the living room. It read: 8:43am. He had to leave now, otherwise he'd be late. So he pulls Jungkook aside for a second to give him the quick rundown of what was going on, and what he needed to watch out for.

"Okay, so real quick before I go; Yoongi and YN. YN should be good but just keep an eye an her, okay?", he starts and his boyfriend nods in understanding signaling him to go on. "Now for Yoongi...he's been a bit of a handful the last two days to be honest.", he admitted.

"Since you got YN right?", Jungkook asked.

"Yeah. How did you-", Jimin says.

"The same thing happened to Hobi when I got Taehyung.", he stated.

Jimin was shocked, Jungkook never told him that, although Jungkook had already had Hobi and Tae for a year when he met Jimin two years back.


"Yeah really. Just a few hours after I brought Tae home, I caught Hobi trying to take a poor confused Taehyung from behind. Luckily I was prepared for Hobi's first heat, otherwise I would've had a hell of a time trying to keep him away from Tae.", explained Jungkook.

"Wow. I can't believe sweet little Hoseok did that to his precious Tae Tae.", Jimin said. "So you sure that you don't mind watching them babe?", he asked.

"I'm sure. Don't worry baby, I got this.", he proclaimed. "So any sort of to-do list that you want me to follow?", Jungkook inquired.

"Yeah I left a note on the kitchen counter.", Jimin said looking down at his watch, "shit I'm gonna be late. Bye love you babe.", he said giving Jungkook a quick chaste kiss before walking towards the door. "Now Yoongi, YN. I want you to be on your best behavior, alright?", he says to the two little kittens, who nod in response. Then Jimin walks out the door. Leaving poor unprepared Jungkook alone with four hybrids.

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