9.Namjin to the Rescue

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The past 30 minutes have been nerve wrecking for Jimin. He felt slightly better once he heard the doorbell chiming.

"Ding. Dong."

"Kook, must you really do that every time the doorbell rings?", Jimin fusses.

"Yeah", Jungkook said plainly.

Jimin gets up and makes his way to the door and answers it. He's met with the sight of two very worried hyungs. He lets them inside and all three men make their way to the living room. Once they're there, Jin is the first to break the silence.

"How's she doing? Is she okay?", Jin inquires.

"She's pretty shaken hyung. But as for if she's okay; I don't know.", Jimin explains to the eldest.

"Where is she?", asked Namjoon.

"She's upstairs, I'll take you two to her.", Jimin replies as he leads the two men upstairs.

Once they get upstairs, the men walk into Yoongi's bedroom, which the kittens are sharing at the moment. They enter the room cautiously to not scare YN anymore than she already was. When they enter the room the only hybrid in sight is Taehyung.

"Tae, where's YN?", asks Jimin.

"She's ova dere", he says in his little voice, mispronouncing 'over' and 'there'.

He points at the window, leaving the three men quite confused.

"Over where little one?", asked Jin as he knelt down so that he'd be eye to eye with Tae.

"In duh twee.", he answered.

"In the tree? OH MY GOD SHE'S IN THE TREE!", shouts Jimin once he realized what Tae was saying.

Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon run to the window. What they see when they get there breaks their hearts. YN's made herself as small as possible and she's huddled up against the tree and is balling her eyes out.

The three men followed by Taehyung run down the stairs and out the back door. When they get outside they're met with a very worried Hobi and Jungkook.

"I can't get her to come down.", Jungkook says worriedly.

"Kitten it's alright, come down to oppa.", coos Jimin.

"No! YN wan Jinnie oppa. YN don't wanna be here anymo!", she cries hysterically.

"Princess oppa is here. Now come down little one", Jin says softly.

"No! He's gonna find YN, he's gonna hurt YN. YN don wanna be hurted.", she cries, slipping deeper and deeper into little space.

"YN you know he can't find you. And you know he can never get to you again.", said Jin.

"Pwomise?", she sniffles.

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