chapter 6

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chapter 6,

"so you're telling me, he told you i was sick and told you to come to school without me?" i raised my eyebrows while my eyes remained fixated on my bowl of ramen

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"so you're telling me, he told you i was sick and told you to come to school without me?" i raised my eyebrows while my eyes remained fixated on my bowl of ramen.

he nodded as he took another bite of his hotdog bun, "mhmm, we thought you really were since you looked extremely pale yesterday."

"she just has pale skin, dumbass," daniel snickered with his mouth full of his kimchi fried rice.

i shook my head, i really shouldn't trust seongwoo, he has so many tricks up his sleeves.

"well, at least you're here now! lunch at the tteokbokki stall by the corner?"

"i'm down," daniel raises his hand happily.

i smile, it has been a while since i had a proper lunch date with my two beloved friends, "sure, me too—"

"glutton! i need your help!" a figure slides across the bench and next to me.

i narrowed my eyes before blinking several times, flustered by my new nickname, "excuse you?"

seongwoo doesn't waste another second, ignoring my question and grabs my hand and pulls me away from my friends yet again, out of the cafeteria and to the back of the school.

don't get me wrong, i like sports and running but i don't like getting dragged across the hallways of the school so violently with no absolute idea wherever i'm heading to.

just before i can yell and yank his head off, he turns by the corner and pushed me against the wall, between his arms.

"what do you to think you're doing, dumbass—" my question was cut off as he placed his finger on my lips, leaning towards my ear, "just play along."

i rolled my eyes yet again, "what for—"

my breath hitched as he leaned down close to me, his lips only a few inches away from mine. i held my breath back, trying to move backwards but only felt the cold tiled wall against my back, sending shivers down my spine.

i turned away from seongwoo as his eyes constantly followed mine. all of a sudden, i felt so much smaller.

i would probably push him onto the floor by now and step on him but my arms just wouldn't move an inch.

he finally stops staring at me and looks to the hallway where a girl just sprinted off without looking in our direction.

he lets out a long sigh of relief and steps back, finally, i could breathe normally again.

"do you think this is some darn kdrama? what the heck was that?" i ranted.

he smiles sheepishly before smirking, taking a step closer to me, "why? did that make your heart flutter? don't you love web dramas?"

i furrowed my brows and push him away by the forehead, making him stumble slightly, "what was that for?"

he chuckles as he straightened his blazer, "nothing, just another girl who's trying to get with me."

i slapped my hand against the back of his head, making him groan in pain.

"you're a nuisance," i sighed, walking ahead of him, back to class for the next lesson.

i could hear his obnoxious laugh from behind.

"yah, haein!" he calls out, and i could hear his steps getting closer to me.

i turned back, he stops right in from me, with an unreadable smile hanging off his lips, "yah, go on a date with me tomorrow."

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