chapter 3

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chapter 3,

i leant against my locker as my eyes followed seongwoo's every action

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i leant against my locker as my eyes followed seongwoo's every action.

goodness, do i hate him.

i can't believe he told me to wait by the lockers after school just to watch him make up with jina.

i rolled my eyes as i checked the time on my watch, i have been here for the past fifteen minutes— my single ass watching him throw some dumb pickup lines and compliments at jina, enough to make her all red and shy.

god, how does she not realise that there's another girl who's going to be in her position soon enough.

god damn ong seongwoo. if i weren't waiting for him, for god knows why darn reason, i could probably be enjoying a good meal with jaehwan and daniel.

just before i could slowly and quietly walk away from their heated make out session, i felt someone grab my arm hastily, "hey! you're leaving too quick."

i tried not to lash out at him as i slapped the back of his head, "oh really?"

he smirked, knowing his attempt to annoy me went successful again, ruffling my hair, messing it up pretty bad.

i snorted as he kissed his girlfriend goodbye and i walked ahead of him, on the stone pavement back home.

without even looking back to catch a glimpse, i knew that cocky grin was still hanging on his face like a proud peacock.

soon enough, he catches up and walks next to me.

it has been like that for a while, ever since he moved here. i would wait for him by the school gates or lockers and we head home together. maybe just because my mom loves to cook him lunch.

he doesn't deserve all this good food, really.

he tugs on my bag, making me snap my head to him, sending him a glare.

"chill, i just wanted to hold your bag for you," he raised his hands as a sign of surrendering, "your mom told me your back has been aching from slouching so much."

my gaze softened after his explanation.

sometimes, i just can't understand him. i really can't.

he's a brat and annoying twat at times but the next moment, he's being a sweet and big hearted friend. and that's why i get confused on how i should react to him sometimes.

one moment i want to rip his head off, the next i just want to hug him and thank him.

noticing that i wasn't replying him, he swiftly takes my bag away from my shoulder and swings over his own.

"you're like an old granny really, quit slouching."

was i insulted? of course.

but somehow, my heart just can't stop fluttering whenever he does something like that for me.

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