"yah, jung haein."
the female rolled her eyes as she snapped back at the male, "what do you want, ong seongwoo?"
original photo in cover belongs to STUDIO GHIBLI creations
status: discontinued
started on: 25 dec...
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"this dumbass should just date you instead of asking you to act as his girlfriend for a day," seongwoo's cousin lamented as she passed me an outfit from her closet.
so guess what? i agreed to being this asshole's girlfriend for a day. and why? because he wants to gets his arms off this girl that just would not stop bothering him.
"no, you're crazy," i laughed after hearing his request as i walked ahead of him, down the pavement to the bus stop where we would take the same bus home.
he whined and throws a fit, pulling me by the arm, "please, shortie, it's just two hours."
"that'll be the worst two hours of my life."
i sighed as i regret every life decision i've made throughout the nineteen years of life, especially agreeing to help seongwoo with this.
i scanned the outfit subin lent me, really, it's nice. beautiful, really. but me in a floral style dress? i never saw this day coming.
"don't you have like a flannel with a pair of jeans—"
"you're wearing that right now," subin rolled her eyes as she pushed me into a restroom in her room to get changed.
subin is older than me by three years, two for seongwoo. she has always grown up with us like a mother because she was the one who constantly covered up for me and seongwoo when we constantly got into trouble as kids.
for instance, breaking a flower pot in the front porch of his house but saying the neighbours' dog did it. but our neighbour only kept guinea pigs, not a dog. and she tried to save us by glueing the ceramic pot together.
she was seven then, seongwoo five and i was four.
now, she lives with seongwoo and his parents after her parents passed away from an unfortunate accident when she was still a child.
but she's still an extremely bright and cheerful girl.
now she has already graduated and is making plans to start her own clothing line.
compared to seongwoo, she a lot different.
maybe that's why i'm a lot closer to her now.
"you're a full package, i don't understand why seongwoo dates every girl but you," i could hear subin's constant complaints even behind the restroom door.
i grimaced as i visualised an image of me together with seongwoo. well, that spells disaster.
he just would not give me a break.
"is she ready yet? i know she's chubby but it doesn't take so long to get ready, eh?"
speak of the devil.
i rolled my eyes just by hearing his voice and stepped out, trying to pull the dress lower, gosh half my thighs are showing.
"shut up before i make you do this on your own," i shot seongwoo a glare as i looked up from the yellow dress.
subin shrieked and clapped, pushing seongwoo away as she stepped to me, "you look greEeEeAAaaT!"
my cheeks flushed, really i'm do not get compliments like that often. daniel and jaehwan usually just tell me i look presentable and that's more than enough to make me smile for the whole day.
i don't even need to mention about seongwoo on this. a compliment from him is like seeing jaehwan and daniel not squabble for a day.
"doesn't she look amazing, seongwoo?" subin snaps her head towards seongwoo who trailed his eyes all over my outfit.
okay, that made me extremely uncomfortable.
"she looks—"
"never mind, if you're going to insult, i rather you not say anything," subin said as she recalled how much of meanie seongwoo can be.
i stifled my laugh as i walked towards the front door of their apartment, sitting down on a small stool to slip my shoes on.
i could hear seongwoo's faint footsteps approaching from behind as he walked closer to me.
"really, you're wearing sneakers with this?" he raised his eyebrows, questioning my choice of shoes.
"if you have another word to say about this, i'm going back to my apartment to catch up on my web drama."