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"Nigga damn!" Andy yelled covering his mouth with his fist examining my neck. "Were they trying to eat you?!"

I quickly zipped my jacket back up to my neck and rolled my eyes at his question.

"Shut up Andy!"

"Shit is mad big!" He stated the oblivious still in shock.

Thanks to Michaels stupid ass I now had a fucking hickey the size of Texas on my neck. Well not really but you get my point.

"Why are you always yelling?" I asked him looking around the semi empty IHOP before putting my attention back on Andy.

"Blame my mother!"

I faced palmed myself before dipping my fries in some honey mustard and placing them in my mouth.

"Man whatever." I waved him off. "Where we going after this?"

Knowing Andy it'll probably involves us doing something illegal.

"Let's hit the dance studio." Andy smiled. "I heard they have a new dance instructor."

"What no illegal activities today?" I joked raising my eyebrow.

"Boy hush and bring ya' ass!"


"Gods going to strike you down." I shook my head opening the door to the dance studio.

"Bitch should've said excuse me!" Andy waved me off. "Let's see how she feels going home without any tips!"

I slapped him on the back of head as he walked ahead of me.

"So damn stupid."

"Hello class today we have a new dance instructor!" Leo yelled as everyone cheered so I went to take a seat off to the side to charge my phone along with Andy.

"Introducing to you all Mr. Santiago!"

I slowly looked up to see the top of a curly afro which made me quickly cough as my eyes got wider then a bitch. Can I get away from this motherfucker for more then one day?

"Nigga you good?!" Andy laughed looking over at me licking over his sucker. "Look like you done seen a ghost!"

"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned throwing my head back.


'Cry' will be ending soon😩


𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐃 | [𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐗𝐁𝐎𝐘]Where stories live. Discover now