Chapter 19 - Patrick

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A/N: Hello everybody! I just wanted to apologize real quick for my hiatus the last couple of weeks. Things have been crazy for me, I just graduated with my master's degree on Saturday, so end of the year stuff has had be busy, plus I had a big job interview on Friday, and I just haven't had time to write. However, I'm hoping to finish all of my incomplete books over the course of the summer, but I probably won't update anything besides this book for a couple of weeks, because the week after next, I will be out of town. I also want to thank all of you for reading this book. I was super excited to write this one, and I'm thinking it will have a sequel! So enough rambling from me, I love you guys, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

We were in New York City, in a hotel room that was far beyond affordable for any of us. Apparently, after seeing the success of our first few months of shows, the label decided that they believed in us enough to spend some significant money on us. We were in an expensive hotel for the next three weeks, while we shot our first music video at a studio down the road. We still only had two bedrooms, but this time, we were in a suite, rather than a standard set of rooms. With the two bedrooms, we all shared a huge living area, a kitchen, a dining room, and two bathrooms. Needless to say, we were ecstatic.

Nora and I were doing amazing. Since getting to New York yesterday afternoon, we've only actually left our bedroom once, to eat dinner with the guys. The teasing had been relentless, since it was pretty obvious what we were doing the whole time we locked ourselves in there, but we didn't even care. I couldn't stop telling her loved her, and she couldn't stop saying it back. Every moment with her was heavenly, even now, as we walked out of the building to a cab I had called for us. It was only eleven in the morning, but Nora's appointment was in twenty minutes. Today, we were going to find out if we were having a little boy or a little girl. Honestly, I was going to be happy either way, but Nora seemed adamant that it was a boy.

I helped her into the cab and slid in beside her, giving the driver the address of the doctor. He drove off, barely saying a word to us the whole ride there. I relaxed against the seat and grasped Nora's hand. She had been quiet this morning, more so than usual. I assumed I had simply tired her out between yesterday and last night, but now that I looked at her, I realized that something else was going on. She held my hand, but she wasn't looking at me. Her head was turned so she could stare out the window. I squeezed her fingers to get her attention, but she didn't look at me until I let go of her hand to grab her leg instead, just behind her knee. "Hey," I said quietly, moving closer to her, "How are you feeling?"

She forced a small smile for me, but I could see right through it. "I'm okay," she said, placing her hand over mine on her leg. "I'm just tired, Patrick."

I watched her carefully, and she just stared back at me, her fake smile slowly disappearing. She knew I could read her better than she could lie. "What's wrong, Nora?" I asked.

She sighed and looked down at her lap, where my hand was still pressed to her thigh. She placed one hand over mine, and the other on her belly. "It's nothing," she lied again, "We'll talk about it later, okay? Right now, I just want to focus on finding out if we're having a boy or a girl." She looked up at me again, her eyes pleading.

"Okay," I said, a little nervous now. Had I done something wrong? She relaxed in her seat then and looked out the window once more. I watched her, worried, until she leaned against me and laid her head on my shoulder. My hand was still on her leg, and I simply tugged that a little closer against my own leg and dropped a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you," I whispered, as if she needed reminding.

"I love you too," she breathed, effectively calming my nervous thoughts. Before we knew it, we were at the doctor's office. This doctor, recommended to us by the doctor we'd seen in Texas, was apparently the best in the city. Her name was well known, and she was going to tell us our baby's sex, as well as give Nora two check-ups while we were in New York City. The first would be today, of course, and she would be looked at again right before we leave in a few weeks, just to be safe.

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