The Heart

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Shahrzad watched in horror as Khalid stepped in front of her to protect her from her father's enraged actions.

He thinks my father is going to hurt me..

But Shahrzad had realised what Jahandar al Khuzauran intended to do before Khalid had. Or perhaps Khalid had realised it too but nevertheless moved to protect her from any potential threat.

Shahrzad tried to push Khalid out of the way but it was too late. The jeweled dagger slashed across her husband's face, drawing a crimson line from his ember eyes to the corner of his mouth. The mouth Shahrzad had touched only a few moments ago.

Khalid. My king..

Shahrzad put a hand on her father chest and shoved him hard to stop him from doing what she knew he had the intention of doing but it was too late. She saw Jahandar's face and saw what she had never seen before.

Rage. Loss. Betrayal.

She knew in that moment there was nothing she could do. Nothing Jalal or any member of the guard could do. It was as though everything was in slow motion. She saw the dagger just inches from Khalid's heart. Her husband's heart. And despite knowing the fruitlessness of her actions, her futile attempts, she used as much force as she could to push her father away. Fighting a losing battle. Saving the love of her life against unfavourable odds.


She heard the crunch of the dagger embedding in the heart of the Caliph of Khorasan. Her king. Her husband. She heard her scream piercing through the night. Heard her father's grunts as he was shoved to the ground by Jalal and Aref al Ghoury.

Khalid fell to the ground, one hand clutching the dagger embedded in his chest. His mouth had started filling with blood, staining his lips red. Lips Shahrzad had loved. Cherished.


She clutched Khalid with a strong force. Like a sailor clinging to the mast of a sinking ship. His lips moved, willing to utter a word that the pain in his heart did not let him say. Shahrzad's face was streaked with tears. Her hands sticky with the blood of her husband. Her love.

"Khalid! No! Jalal get the dayee! Go!"

Khalid gripped her wrist with his left hand tightly. Tugged weakly at her wrist beckoning her closer. She obliged.

"Shazi... I.. won't be able to live through this..."

"No Khalid! We will get through this. Jalal has gone to get the camp doctor. Aisha will be here too. You'll be alright!", even as Shahrzad said these words, her eyes fell upon the bloodstained  qamis that Khalid wore. Realised Khalid was uttering his last words.

"Shazi... joonam...." And with a final breath, Khalid succumbed to the wound that had been inflicted on him by her father. His hand going limp by his side. His hold on Shahrzad's wrist loosening.


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