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Cleo awoke to her head pounding as she realised it was friday. One more day until the weekend. She looked at her arms realising she needed to bandage them up before school. 15 minutes later and she had finnished wrapping her arm and putting a new pair of clothes on accompanjed with a long sleeved top. She left the house without food again, only to meet with Cameron near the school gates trying to give her a sandwich. She just rolled her eyes and walked away.

Dear Bully

You offered me a sandwich. I walked away. Your friends pulled me away from the school doors and pulled up my tracky sleeves and started to cut my legs. You just stood and watched. Why do i like you? Who knows. All i know is when i get home i am meeting my best friend mr rasor and miss weightloss pills. We will be a haply family forever! You left me alone for the rest of the day


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