Chapter 2

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"Hey Ally!" Trish greets her friend by her locker. "How are you?"

Ally stuffs her books in her backpack, as quick as she can. "I'm good. And you?"

Trish shrugged. "Same. Hey, listen, I was hoping I could come over later, you know, hang out like we used to."

Ally's eyes grew wide. "Like, today?"

The short brunette nodded. "Yeah."

"Umm.." Ally hummed. "Today's no good."

"Okay…" Trish looked curiously at Ally. "How about later in the week?"

"Can't." She replies. "My dad is sick, and I don't want anyone to catch what he has."

Ally swings her backpack over her shoulder, and starts to walk off, Trish following behind. "What does he have?"

"The flu." Ally lied, folding her lips. She wasn't good at lying, but in this case, she had no choice.

"It's not flu season." Trish states, looking around the school before opening the door to the court yard.

"Look, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Ally sighs quietly then leaves. Trish stands there in confusion. "O-o-okay."

Ally scurries out of the school court yard, only to bump into someone and drop her books. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay Alls." A familiar voice replied.

"Hey Austin." Ally greets him, smiling as she holds the books close to her chest.

"Hey Ally." Austin returns the smile, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You okay? You were walking really fast."

Ally nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just, in a hurry."

"For what?" Austin chuckles.

"It's nothing. My dad needs me to be home early. Him being sick and all." Ally replies.

"Your dads sick?" Austin asks, his voice sounding a little more worried. "You said yesterday he was fine."

"Oh, well, I-" Ally starts, pushing a stand of hair behind her ear, and looking down at the ground.

"Ally, is there something you're not telling me?" Austin asks again, as he stares right at her.

"No. Don't worry Austin, everything's fine." Ally assures him, then walks off again.

Austin walks into Sonic Boom to see Trish and Dez working behind the counter. "Hey guys. Where's Ally?"

"Home." Trish replies. "Her dad isn't feeling well, so she asked us to cover for her."

Austin sighs. "I think Ally's hiding something." He blurts out.

"No kidding." Trish squeaks. "Earlier, I asked her if I can come over, and she said no. She always lets me over."

"Yeah." Dez adds. "I was talking to her at lunch, and then I say something, and she just gets up, grabs her stuff and storms out."

"Do you remember what you said?" Austin asks curiously.

"No, not really." Dez replied.

Just then, a short brunette walks in with a book to her chest. She looks over at Austin, Dez and Trish and puts on a fake smile. "Hey guys."

"Hey Ally." They greet her simultaneously.

"Thanks for taking my shift Trish." Ally places her book under counter and hugs her friend.

"No problem Ally. Anything for a friend." Trish returns the hug. "I'm always here for you."

Ally looks at her friend then at Austin. He shoots her his famous rockstar smile, causing her to look at the floor.

She's dying to tell her friends, but at the same time, she didn't want to.

"I'm not feeling very well guys, I think I'm gonna take a nap." Ally says, grabbing her book then making her way upstairs.

Once she's there, she closes the door as tears fall from her eyes. She walks over to the couch and takes a seat.

Opening her book, she begins to write.


Dear Journal,

I know this is hard, but I can't take it anymore. I need to tell someone! My friends, a counselor, anyone!

But, I'm afraid that if I tell my friends, I'll lose them. I've never kept secrets from them before, and this one might just ruin everything.

And another problem, is that my dad has gotten worse, and he doesn't listen to me. I keep telling him to talk to someone, this is getting out of hand.

No matter what I say, he doesn't listen. He doesn't care. But, I'm not giving up.

Love, Ally."

With that, she closes her book, places it on the table near the couch, and shuts her eyes. Within minutes, she's in a deep sleep.

Austin opens the door quietly, hoping he hasn't startled her. He takes the blanket from the couch and covers her with it.

Watching her sleep, Austin smiles. He thinks for a moment, then bends down, and kisses her forehead softly.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Austin and Ally. All rights belong to Disney Channel.

This Has Been a DramaMama creation, Thanks for Reading! ^^

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