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(Yes that is the French number 6, its pronounces like {sees})

Dark and I walked into the throne room, four people were on their knees in chains, each of them had two guards alongside. I sat down on one side of the throne. Dark walked from the throne onto the room's floor.
"How did you get out?" he asked, none of them answered. "Pull their chains tighter." The guards yanked on their chains making them all groan in pain. I sat on the throne watching Dark's careful movements.
"If you're so tough Your Majesty," one started, "Why don't you just torture us yourself."
"Alright." Dark shrugged his shoulders than picked up the figurative by his neck, and pulled him close to his face. He began to squeeze. "Now, one of you tell me how you got out or your friend here will be in a lot of pain."
"Okay, okay, just please let him go first." another said. Dark dropped the fugitive on the ground so he could catch his breath.
"How did you get out?" Dark said, raising his voice. "I'm getting impatient and you won't like it when I'm angry. Unless all of you want to be put into the Depth I suggest you start speaking right now."
"We disarmed a few guards." one said,
"How? Those are my strongest guards."
"You'd be surprised how much a person can want something to eat or drink Your Majesty."
"You will be banished for another thousand years along with your original sentence for your insolence and trickery. Before you go back to the Badlands, I would like to know where the missing demons are. I know that you know.  And if you don't want to tell me the Depth is waiting for you."
"They're chained to a wall in the sewer." 
"Away with you to the Badlands." Dark said dismissing them.
"You'll never find them!" the one who was choked yelled and began to laugh.
"We will find them, you wait and see." Dark sighed as they were escorted out of the room. "Creature, I want you to go to sleep, you've had a long day, you must be worn out." I raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Hey."
"I love you."
"Oh," he chuckled and flew over to me. "I love you too." he gave me a kiss and then flew back to the throne room's floor.
"Goodnight." I giggled and went to our bedroom to go to sleep. I fell asleep feeling uneasy. I opened my eyes to be in the streets of the city, my mind made me take a left and then another. I heard screams coming from the ground below me. I ran toward the screams. There was a pathway leading into what looked like the sewer. I ran inside. I followed the screams and made a left in the sewer, the water was very cold. As I followed the screams the water got warmer and looked to have more blood in it. I came to a dead end.
"What the hell?" There was nowhere to turn and no path forward, I punched the wall in front of me out of frustration. The wall broke and the five demons who had gone missing were chained to the wall. Then, I opened my eyes back up and Dark wasn't sleeping next to me. I ran into the throne room.
"DARK!" I yelled,
"What Creature, what is it?" he stopped playing.
"I know where the five missing demons are Dark! I saw it in a dream!" I yelled.
"Guards!" Dark yelled, a few guards came out. "Gather a few of the divisions, we are heading into the sewers."
"Can I come?" I asked,
"You know where they are right?" he grabbed my hand, "Then, lead the way my Queen." I smiled and began to sprint out of the castle, the guards could barely keep up with us. We got to the sewer, I could hear the screams, but, not as amplified as in my dream.
"This way!" I commanded, we ran into the sewer, the water where we were stand was cold. I took a step forward and the water became warmer and it looked like blood was coloring it. We ran toward the dead end.
"Creature, this is a dead end." Dark said out of frustration.
"Listen, you can hear them screaming." I said, putting my ear to the wall. Dark's eyes widened. I smirked and smashed m=the wall with my fists, bricked flew everywhere. I ran in side the small hidden cave. All five of the missing demons were chained up to a wall.
"No, please don't hurt us again." a girl said, I rushed over to her.
"No, no baby girl we're here to save you and your friends." I said, wiping the tears off of her face. I snapped my fingers and the chains fell off of all five of them. The guard and Dark caught the five demons. "We're going to take you to the castle. We will take care of you there."
"Thank you, miss thank you." the girl cried as we carried all five of them out of the sewer. When we got to the castle, I took them into the healing chamber. Each of them were given their own bed to rest in.
"First I am going to give you all pain killers." I said walking over to the first one. I tapped each one of them on the right temple and they all relaxed when I did it.
"What are your names?" I asked,
"Litherum." a man said,
"Ludwig." another said, "Who are you?"
"She's the Queen you idiot, show some respect." Hedwig remarked,
"No, it's alright." I said, "I was only created a few days ago, not everyone has heard of me yet and that's okay. How long were you down there?"
"Three weeks." Litherum groaned. I picked up his leg and healed him. I did the same for all the others, and sent them back to their loving mates. Dark walked into our bedroom a few ours later.
"Are they okay?" he asked,
"Better than they'll ever be" I chuckled,
"You truly amaze me Creature." Dark said leaping onto the bed and pulling me close to him. "You are an amazing Queen, and I love you. You are talented in your gifts and your love for others, gifts that not many other demons have."
"I love you too, Dark." I giggled, beginning to doze off in his arms. "You truly make my immortal life special, and I thank tiny fir that. I love you so much."

And The King Loved His Queen... (A Darkiplier Story)Where stories live. Discover now