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Anti came out of his bedroom into the throne room yawning and drinking a cup of coffee.
"Long night?" I asked, reading a book.
"Pretty long." he said, "Do you think we're soulmates?"
"I think that after a bad circumstance, Digne needs someone to keep her safe."
"So, is that a yes?"
"I don't know, we'll see how she takes to the real you."
"The me yesterday wasn't the same as I am today?"
"You were shaky and I think you were a little off. We were all shaken up. If you want Dark and I can help you get to know each other?"
"I think want to get to know her myself." Anti said, Digne walked into the throne room holding her hip.
"Are you okay Digne?" I asked,
"I got destroyed yesterday." she giggled,
"Yeah, you did." Anti growled and grabbed Digne by the waist, making her giggle. "I'm going back to bed." she booped his nose and walked away. "See what I mean? She's amazing."
"Go get her." I chuckled, Dark came up behind me and kissed my neck.
"Hi, baby girl." he kissed my body again.
"Hello, sailor." I giggled, "How are we today?"
"Horny." he growled,
"Uh-uh, you have work to do, and you know it."
"You can't resist me." he growled and kissed me again, "And you know it."
"Yup, I can." I elbowed him in the stomach to get him off of me.
"Ow!" he laughed, "Fucking hell!"
"Told you." I laughed, "You wanted to show me something?"
"I wanted you to see the Depth, but I think you should do something else." he chuckled and grabbed my hand.
"Dark, I need to see it." I said,
"Vellouise I don't think you understand. I don't want to go down there, and I made it." he said, forlornly.
"Who runs the place?" I asked,
"Mortem." he answered, "I created him to the job he does. Malikiuus is his first victim."
"Remind me what his job is."
"To torture those who have broken laws."
"Dark, take me to the Depth."
"Semper mortem misera et dolens." Dark snapped his finger and we appeared in a room of stone, glowing with red flame. I began to hear the screams of Malikiuus. Then, I heard him laughing. He would scream again  and again, and I would never forget the screams. Every word I said in that place was timid and not confident at all. The complete opposite of my regular self and I did not like the feeling. This was the first of two times I would ever go down there.
"What is Mortem doing to him?" I asked
"Whatever he pleases." Dark answered, "Mortem?"
"Sic, Domino?"
"Tell me of Malikiuus."
"Ille dolo."
"Bring us to him."
"Sic, Domino."
"What is he saying?" I asked,
"Well, he answered 'Yes, Master' and he said Malikiuus is hurting." Dark answered, "He only speaks Latin. I made him so he understands the common tongue but, only speaks Latin." We walked into a room full of smoke. It was hot, and Malikiuus was tied up to a chair, and screaming. No one was touching him but, he would still scream.
"I'm flying! I'm flying through the forest!" he laughed and screamed again,
"Mortem, what did you do to him?" I asked,
"Nihil, Regina. Quoniam in furorem versus est." Mortem answered, "Sed, dedit ei potum, ut essent animo poisin."
"He says, 'No, my Queen, he's insane. I gave him a drink that would poison his mind."
"Qui autem impatiens est, et sufficit." Mortem added,
"That is all he will suffer, it is enough." Dark translated, Malikiuus screamed again, this time in fear.
"No, nooo, no! Please!"
"He's hallucinating." Dark said, "Please, Vell, let's leave this place and not come back for a long time."
"Walé, Domino." Mortem called,
"Goodbye, Mortem." Dark answered, "Sed, gaudium et delectatio vitae semper adducere." Dark snapped his fingers and we appeared in the throne room. I sprouted my wings and flew over to the window and looked out at the light. Dark flew over to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Are you okay?" he asked,
"Please, don't take me down there ever again." I pleaded, and shed a single tear,
"I promise." he said and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry you had to see any of that."
"Look, let's just get some sleep or drink some booze or maybe..." he snickered a bit,
"Oh my Jesus, you're still horny even after that ordeal."
"HE'S HORNY ALL THE TIME VELLOUISE, GET USED TO IT!" Anti yelled from the other room.
"He's right." Dark chuckled, grabbing my waist. "I usually just suppress it. But, today is just different."
"Mmm-hmm how different is it?" I asked, "Show me."
"Alright you asked for it." he spouted his wings, and flew us over to our bedroom. Full speed. He began to tear off my clothes.
"You know you can just snap your fingers."
"You asked me to show me Vellouise, my dear. So I'm showing you." he grunted ripping the dress off of my body. I gasped. Two hours later, my voice was gone and I was shaking after regaining my sight. Dark and I were covered in sweat. I lay there on the bed just recovering for a second. "Good enough for you?"
"Yes." I giggled, hoarsely.
"Is your voice gone?"
"I would say so after those long two hours." I rasped out. Dark laughed out loud.
"Get some sleep baby girl, you'll get your voice back in the morning." he kissed my forehead and pulled the sheets over us as I drifted off to sleep. I opened my eyes and saw the Depth. Then, Digne appeared next to me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing." Digne laughed, "Where are we?"
"We are in the place where Malikiuus is being held." I said, "We are in the Depth."
"Oh no fuck this! How do we get out of here?"
"Dark said something in Latin to get us out."
"What was it?"
"Sed, gaudile et something vitae sempre something." I tried to remember,
"Is there an exit?"
"Well, we can look." We heard screaming and then laughing coming from a room to our left.
"That doesn't sound like Malikiuus." Digne said,
"No, it doesn't."
"NEC, VELIT!!" I heard someone scream. Then, he laughed again. We ran into the room, Mortem was tied to the chair laughing and screaming.
"That's not Malikiuus." I said, "That's Mortem, he runs the Depth."
"This is all a dream right?" Digne asked, I paused. "Vellouise, this is all a dream right?"
"Yes, but I have premonitions." I said, staring at Mortem. "I can see the future."
"EGO VOLANTES!" Mortem laughed with insanity,
"What's he saying?" Digne asked,
"I don't know."

Anti's POV

Digne was in my arms while we were asleep. She began to stir in her sleep, and then whimper. I heard Vellouise screaming in her and Dark's room. Then, Digne began to scream.
"Digne? Digne! Wake up!" I yelled shaking her body. Nothing happened. I ran into Dark's room and Vellouise was screaming.
"What's happening?" I yelled over Vellouise's screams,
"I think she's having a night terror." Dark answered, Digne screamed again. "Is that Digne?"
"Yes!" I answered,
"Go get her I have an idea." Dark said. I ran into our bedroom and picked Digne up, she screamed again. I ran back into Dark's bedroom with Digne in my arms. "Set her down on the bed."

Vellouise's POV

"He's acting the same way Malikiuus did when he was down here." I said,
"What do we do?"
"I don't know. This is a dream so I think we'll wake up." I said, Digne was not in my field of vision so I didn't see him coming behind Digne.

Anti's POV

I set Digne down on the bed. Dark scooted Vellouise close to Digne. I watched as their hands got closer together.

Velluoise's POV

I heard Digne choking behind. I whipped my head around and Malikiuus was choking Digne. I ran over and kicked him off of her.
"You will never get rid of me as long as the Underworld exists." he yelled, "I am immortal! You can't get rid of me!"
"Let her go Malikiuus." I pleaded calmly.
"You sent me to this place to this Depth why should I let this little slut go? Why should I?!"

Anti's POV

Vellouise and Digne's fingers interlocked so they were holding hands and they both woke up.

Vellouise's POV

Then, I woke up. Digne was next to me.
"Dark, what happened?" I asked,
"Why are we in the same bed?" Digne asked,
"And why are we holding hands?" I let go of her hand.
"You both were having a night terror." Dark answered.
"You both were screaming in your sleep." Anti added,
"So you were-" I started,
"In my dream?"
"We were in the Depth?"
"Yes. And Mortem was tied to a chair."
"And Malikiuus choked you."
"Yes." Digne said,
"What?" Dark's eyes widened.
"We were in the Depth and Mortem was tied to a chair, screaming and laughing. The same way Malikiuus was. Malikiuus was gone and Mortem was in his place. Digne was out of my vision and Malikiuus got to her and was choking her then we woke up."
"Dark?" Anti looked toward him.
"We have to go down there." Dark said, "Digne and Anti you stay here. I am going to bring three of my strongest guards."
"Guards!" I yelled. Three of them appeared at the door. "We are going in the Depth." All of their eyes widened in fear.
"Semper mortem misera et dolens." Dark chanted and we all appeared in the Depth. I grabbed Dark's hand we ran into the room where Malikiuus was supposed to be in. Mortem was there screaming and laughing just like in the dream. Malikiuus was nowhere to be found.
"He's gone." one of the guards said,
"No, he's somewhere in the kingdom now." I said, "What of Mortem now?"
"We have to leave him here. The potion wears off in one year." Dark said, "There's nothing I can do. Sed, gaudium et delectatio vitae semper adducere." We appeared in the throne room."
"RoseNoir!" Dark yelled,
"Your Majesty?" she asnwered,
"Lock the doors now! Malikiuus has escaped the Depth and Mortem has been lost." Dark yelled,
"Yes, Your Majesty! Marikov! Lock the door to the castle!"
"We need to call a red alert now!" Anti yelled,
"Why? Malikiuus surely can be stopped." I said,
"No one can escape from the Depth not even by my passcode. We don't know how he did it. We cannot contain him without using Dark magic. Which I haven't had to use since the dawn of Underworld." Dark answered, and snapped his fingers. "RED ALERT!"
"Everyone in the Kingdom can hear his message now." Anti said,
"People of the Underworld, lock your doors hide yourselves, we have a criminal on loose who cannot be obtained. This is a Red Alert. I repeat a Red Alert and this is not drill! Get inside now and don't come out until the Alert has been lifted!"

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