"That's us." Mal said. "It starts with you and me." Ben said holding Mal hands. "We dance so good. "Watch how Carlos did that flip at 3:40, that was incredible." Jay said hugging Carlos.
"I love this song." Lonnie said. "You were the best thing that ever walked into my life." Ben whispered in Mal ear. Mal giggles and turns to watch Ben. "You too." Mal said giving Ben a kiss. "Oh come on." Carlos said and they watched Carlos shocked.
"Enough already its so weird watching you guys kiss." Carlos said. "Never seen someone kiss before?" Ben asked wiggling his eye brows. "Carlos gave him a glare and Ben watched down and Mal chuckled.
"Hey guys." Doug said as he walked into the room and saw the video. "Hey that's us." He says holding a little container, probably for Evie. "Hey baby." Evie said giving him a kiss. He gave her the ice cream and boy was she enjoying it.
"I love when we dancing." Mal said holding Evie hand. They both smiled and hugged. Then Jay and Carlos came in. They then took a selfie together.
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Now they're best friends.
A/N - Hope you enjoyed it.
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