Reaction 37

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"She's fourteen?" Evie said. "She's cute." Ben said. "I lie her age six picture its so adorable." Chad said. "I heard she acts in Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn." Audrey said. "Hey Mal she has green eyes just like you." Evie said.

"Love her age fourteen picture." Doug said. "She is so beautiful." Lonnie said. "The print of beauty." Carlos said. "Her name is Lizzy Greene." Jay said. "I love that name." Jane said. "Like an angel." Ben said.

"Watch that face." Jay said smiling, "The face of beauty." "She is a awesome actress." Chad said. "In her movie doesn't she have three brothers?" Carlos asked. "Yes she does." Evie said.

"They are quads in the show." Mal said. "Not bad." Audrey said. "Does that mean four kids at once?" Jay asked. "Damn.........." Carlos said extending out the sentence.

"That must have been a lot of pain." Ben said. "Its a movie it didn't really happen." Lonnie said. "Right........" All the guys said. "Oh brother!" All the girls said.

A/N - Hey everyone just felt like making a Nickelodeon reaction. Thank you have a nice day. Font forget to like, comment and tap that little follow button on my profile.


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