The end of our story

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"No....not Uni" Ashlie said shaking her head in disbelief but flinched in sudden pain, "Stay still" Dawn said as he continued to clean the wound on her side. "...what about Cory, he was with Uni" Nick asked as Jon just shrugged, he didn't know where the camera face archer was and the group was to scared to look for him. "This is stupid" Nick yelled punching a tree, "None of us wanted this, we just wanted to live our lives the way we wanted, why.....why is this happening to us" he yelled. Dawn sighed, "I don't know okay but we can't ignore it because it'll come back to bite us later".

Nick growled, "Did Nick chill, now's not the time" Tommy said as Dawn finished tending Ashlie and walked over to the owl. Tommy extended his busted wing to let the robot look at it, "That's easy for you to stay, you haven't been hunted by these things" Nick yelled at Tommy who sighed. "Maybe because I don't put myself down and call myself a monster" he said making Nick freeze, "I'm no stupid we know you hate being a vampire Nick and putting yourself down isn't gonna make you feel better". Nick stayed silent as Jon sighed, "What's the point we're all gonna die" Jon said tearing up. "Don't talk like that" Ashlie said patting his back, "T-this all happened because of me and now w-were gonna die".

"Who said we're gonna die"


"Your not dead" Nick yelled in shock, "Carl your alive" Tom yelled. "An not alone" Cory said, "Guys I have an idea on how we can get Uni back and defeat those demons but we need help, lucky for us I found some" he said. Cory looked back as everyone looked to see someone greatly unexpected. "Greetings" Ty said waving lightly making the group gasp, "Cory how in the world did you get the King of the ender dragons to help" Dawn yelled pretty surprised. "Allow me to explain" Ty said, "One I own him a favour for the one time and Two I know Uni and he is important to not only the world but to you. Who wouldn't help you free your friend from Corruption".

"Wait do you know what the thing is" Dawn said making Ty nod, "We call it Corruption, not much is know about it or where it even came from. But we know that it preys on the weak and drags their hearts into darkness, we all can be corrupted and that thing preys on out weaks. That may be why these demons came to be, you all hold self doubt about yourself. Some are stronger than others but this archer seem to have accepted that small piece of darkness that manifested itself into a demon".

"Wait those things came from us" Nick said not believing a word the dragon was saying, "It's true guys" Cory said. He sighed deeply, "I....I was scared okay, when I first used my skills to kill something in the back of my mind told me I won't be able to control my bloodlust. And because of that I tried to stay away from you all, I almost killed Nick because of that. But now I don't care what is it, I'm no angel or even a demon. We all need bloodlust to live and not die, We need to fight and if your all gonna let the doubt in you all control you well....then were not as close as I thought we were".

"Only you can defeat these demons" Ty said looking at the group, "Except the owl he's fine".

"I told you guys, I was right" Tommy yelled


"So what now Uni"

"Stop talking to me" Uni growled as he buried his face into his knees, "Not like I have anyone else to talk to" Duni said as he looked at the light pug. Both pugs were sitting in darkness, back to back. A black chain linking them together by their wrist, "We can't move, you can't accept it, what's the point" he said messing with his fur. Uni stayed silent, he soon broke his silence by sighing, "Why did you do this".

Duni chuckled, "You did this to yourself Uni. I was just doing my job". Uni growled, "You already knew what I was, I'm your fear. You fear yourself and the powers you have, your scared they won't accept you for you even kill you". "Shut up" Uni yelled making Duni sigh, "There you go denying everything I tell you, your doing this to yourself comics and this is the result. You fell to Corruption and only your friends can save you".

Corrupted angel (JonofRiku)Where stories live. Discover now