Chapter 5 - Part 1 : "Kindly Unspoken"

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Author's notes: We are sorry for the hiatus but we are back and better than ever! If you're reading, let us know what you think by commenting! We love to hear what you think of the story. Many thanks to, and Tonya our editor. Lyrics in chapter are from Chase Rice's song "Gonna Wanna Tonight" - xo Becky and Natali

September 10, 2017

Nashville, TN

It had been a month since Michelle had seen Taylor, and she wasn't going to lie - it had been hard. The last time she'd seen him - during their romantic weekend in the cabin - had felt like a dream, and for whatever reason, the month before that hadn't been so hard. But it was getting harder in between visits. Each time they saw each other, the two become closer, and it was becoming more difficult for both of them to be apart.

Michelle was frustrated. She knew this was going to happen...the more time they spent together, the more she'd want from Taylor, and he couldn't give her what she wanted - not now, at least. Michelle told herself she had to be patient, but it was so hard when he was all she thought about.

Love could be so difficult, Michelle knew this - but she also knew it was worth it.

She kept busy, which helped keep her mind off Taylor until she could see him again. Since getting back from tour, she had a lot to catch up on around the house. She loved baking, tending to her garden, and of course, always working on new music. Plus, there was Owen.

And there was Patrick. Her and Patrick had remained friends after their break-up, and he came over for dinner sometimes. Him and Owen were close, and though it made Michelle feel a little awkward having Patrick around, she didn't want to upset her daughter. Patrick had taken the break-up surprisingly well, but obviously still hoped Michelle may change her mind and want to get back together. Michelle hadn't told Patrick about Taylor. In fact, she hadn't told anyone. She knew she had to eventually, but figured there was no rush. A part of her, well a big part of her, felt guilty and ashamed for having an affair with a married man. But she still wished she had someone to talk to about how frustrating and how exciting it was being back with the man she considered to be her one true love.

Michelle knew her and Taylor's relationship was complicated, and she understood why it was difficult for them to see each other. But in Michelle's heart, she waited with patience for the day she could see Taylor again. They talked on the phone daily, but it wasn't the same. She wanted him near her. Taylor had promised her he'd tell his wife about the affair once his tour was over, but the tour was so long, and Michelle wished he'd just tell her on one of the breaks during the tour. Michelle understood why Taylor wanted to wait until the end of their tour, but a part of her wished he'd just get it over with. Michelle was uneasy. She just wanted all this to be over - the drama, that is. She knew Taylor's divorce was not going to be pretty, but she was ready for it. She could handle it. After all, she'd survived her own messy divorce. But that didn't mean she didn't want it done as soon as possible.

By mid-September, though, Michelle's patience was wearing out. The tour seemed to stretch forever. Hanson had been touring since June, but the tour went well to the end of October, and as much as Michelle wanted to be understanding, she didn't think she could wait another month for him to tell Natalie. Michelle had decided she was going to discuss it with Taylor when she saw him next, and ask him if he could tell his wife sooner. She felt bad about asking him this, but not bad enough to stop her from asking.

The two had planned a visit that month while Taylor was in Nashville on the tour. It was risky - but it was the only option, and they were eager to see each other. Michelle was going to meet him after the show at a nearby hotel.

That evening, Michelle got ready, trying to ignore the sense of dread she felt in her heart. She was excited to see Taylor, but nervous at what he might say when she asked him to reconsider their agreement and tell Natalie sooner.

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