Chapter 6 Part 3:"Not A Love Song"

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October 6, 2017

The conversation Taylor had with Kate had shaken him, and he spent the next week living in constant fear that Natalie would find out before he had a chance to tell her. But the week went by without incident and when he and his brothers left for the last US leg of the Middle of Everywhere tour he was relieved because it bought him some time to figure out what to do.

On the plane, Taylor was lost in thought.

The tour seemed to go on forever. Or at least it felt like that for Taylor. He felt like he was going through the motions. He had too much on his mind to enjoy the tour. He wanted it to be over.

Taylor had a lot of problems. He felt like his world was falling apart and the walls were closing in.

Firstly, there was Michelle. The last time Taylor had seen her had been after their show in Nashville, last month. They'd had a lovely, but short time together, but Taylor knew his time was running out. Michelle wanted him to tell Natalie about the affair, and soon.

But Taylor was putting it off, he admitted, because he was having doubts. The conversation he had with Kate had caused him to have serious doubts. He didn't doubt his love for Michelle. What he doubted was if this was a good idea to begin with to leave his wife. Maybe Kate had been right. Maybe he was just being selfish. What if Natalie didn't let him see his kids?

Taylor liked to think he knew Natalie well enough to know how she'd respond to any situation. He'd imagined in his head numerous times how it would go down - he'd tell her he was in love with Michelle and leaving her, Natalie would be devastated, but in time she'd understand and accept it, and him and her would co-parent their kids. Taylor had seen other couples do this with success. They could do it too. But what if that's not how it went down? What if Kate was right, and instead of being understanding, Natalie would be spiteful? What if she used the kids as leverage to get revenge on him? Taylor had heard of that happening to other dads and it terrified him.

Secondly, there was the issue of Penny and Owen knowing about the affair. Taylor believed that he'd convinced Penny she was wrong, and he didn't think she'd go to Natalie about it, but he was still paranoid. He had no idea what Owen might do.

Thirdly, there was Kate and Zac, who both knew about the affair and had threatened to tell Natalie if he didn't. He knew he'd bought some time, but he knew his time eventually would run out.

Taylor knew he should tell Natalie now, before she found out from someone else, but he couldn't get himself to do it. Instead, and perhaps this would be his downfall, he went off to tour and put it off yet again, hoping everyone would keep their mouth shut.

And lastly, there was his father. Taylor desperately wanted to confront him about the conversation he'd had with Michelle so many years ago.

Their first show went well, and afterwards Taylor skipped talking to fans to go back to his hotel room to call Michelle.

She answered after one ring.


"Hey," he responded, sighing. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. You're back on the road, right? Where are you now?"


"I miss you."

"I miss you too." Taylor replied. "Look, I need to see you. Can you come visit me this weekend?"

"Where?" Michelle asked.

Taylor thought hard and tried to think of where they'd be next weekend.

"Minneapolis. Please?"

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