Chapter 6 Part 2: "Not A Love Song"

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I'm not bitter

I'm not sorry

I'm not even heartbroken

Cause I knew when we started

That it would have to end

The next day

Zac knew telling Kate about what was happening with Taylor would be a huge weight off his shoulders, and he appreciated his brother allowing him to do so.

He knew he'd been harsh with Taylor the night before, but he was incredibly disappointed in his brother. Zac didn't understand why Taylor was making this decision to divorce his wife, or why he'd had an affair in the first place.

Taylor was about to make a decision that would not only devastate Natalie and their kids, but destroy the entire family, whom all loved Natalie dearly. Zac thought it was incredibly selfish. And Natalie was such an incredible woman; a great wife, wonderful mother, and an all-around nice person. Taylor was lucky to have her.

Zac had always looked up to his brother; as a musician, father, and as a friend. Zac considered Taylor to be his best friend. Zac felt like the ground was falling out from under him. Zac couldn't believe Taylor had cheated on Natalie. Zac believed in the sanctity of marriage, that it was a commitment you made for life. He had always said he'd support anything Taylor did, and he had, but he couldn't support this. It had nothing to do with how Zac felt about Michelle. He loved Michelle as a friend. A part of him was angry with her too for allowing Taylor to make the biggest mistake of his life, but Zac blamed Taylor more. Zac hated the feeling of losing respect for his brother. It made him sick to his stomach.

A huge part of Zac wanted to tell Natalie what was going on. At least then when Taylor told her she wouldn't be blind-sided. He knew she wouldn't see this coming. Zac and Natalie were close and he knew if she had suspected anything, she would have told him.

Zac spent the day distracted at the office, eager to get home and tell Kate. Zac wanted to get her advice regarding the situation.

The sun was setting as Zac pulled his truck up to his house.

When he entered the house, he saw Kate and their daughter Junia sitting on the couch watching a movie.

Zac hung his coat in the coat closet and dropped his keys on the coffee table, and plopped down beside his wife.

He gave her a kiss.

"Hey babe," she smiled at him, pausing the TV.

"How was your day?"

Zac sighed. He stared at the paused TV screen.

"It was okay. There's a lot to do. I wish we had a little more time before we have to get back on the road again."

The guys were on a break from tour, but were scheduled back on the road in only a few days.

"Me too. I always wish I had more time with you." Kate said sincerely.

Zac smiled at his wife.

"I love you so much, you know that right? I would never hurt you. Or leave you. Or be unfaithful to you." Zac said, turning to her.

Kate's smile faded, sensing something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Zac sighed.

"I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Kate looked worried. Zac glanced over at Junia, not wanting to discuss this in front of her.

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