Jump - Izuku Midoriya X Reader {Bakugou's POV}

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Katsuki Bakugou was walking down the hallway on his way to the cafeteria, he'd finally gotten shitty hair and sparky to leave him alone for a bit. He was getting tired of listening to them yap about the different girls in their class, like pinky and the emo chick with the music quirk. When suddenly someone bumped into him, he was already in a bad mood, and bumping into him only brought that anger up a notch.

"Oh sorry Bakugou!" She said, trying to hurriedly walk away from him, he scowled and grabbed her arm, a little too roughly even to him. "Watch where you're fucking going you quirkless loser." He said, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop them. Before shoving her backwards, causing her to fall flat on her bottom on the ground. He glanced away for a second, reminding himself that he needed to keep up his appearance. His pride.

"Pathetic." He spat, his ruby eyes glaring down into her (e/c) eyes that were beginning to brim with tears already, "Leave her alone Kacchan!" Izuku yelled at him as he helped (y/n) up and stood in front of her to protect her. This only caused Bakugou to become even angrier. Angry about what he had done. Angry about Deku stepping in. Angry about Deku looking like the hero. When he himself was way better than Deku ever would be.

"I don't take orders from some quirkless piece of shit." He snarled, ruby eyes aflame with rage as he glared daggers at Izuku. Quickly moving forward and grabbing him by the collar, Bakugou slammed him into the wall, his quirk heating up and causing small sparks to begin to form around his hand. "I-I-I..." Izuku stammered, causing Bakugou to growl, when suddenly before he could blow his childhood enemy into the next century he was interrupted by Aizawa, "Bakugou! Leave Izuku alone, I don't want to have to call your mother again." He called.

Bakugou slowly released his grip on Izuku's collar with a click of his tongue, "Shut the fuck up!" He called back to Aizawa, before turning his attention back to Izuku who had moved back beside (y/n). Before he could do anything else, Aizawa interrupted again, "I'm watching you Bakugou. You better not pull another stunt like that." He said.

"Yeah Bakugou, just leave us alone." (y/n) said, as she placed her hand on Izuku's arm and tried leading him away. This action continued to make him angry, maybe he couldn't physically harm them, but that didn't mean he couldn't mentally hurt them. Especially that damn Deku who thought he was better than everyone. Even him. "Oh isn't that just perfect, two quirkless losers in love. Or rather, one quirkless loser who will never be anything but worthless." He said, his attention on (y/n) the entire time as he took a step closer to her.

He was so angry at the two of them he wasn't thinking straight, sure he'd bullied them before, he didn't care about Deku, but after awhile his stupid heart started to hurt whenever he hurt her. (y/n). Even a simple thing as her name made his heart hurt, and that made him angry and annoyed when he began realizing it was because he liked her. He liked a weak, quirkless girl. And he hated it.

"I-I'm not worthless!" She said defensively, her (e/c) eyes barely meeting his, "Anyone without a quirk is a worthless piece of trash. Just pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building." He said with a 'tch.' before walking off. He remembered using those same words on Deku, and apart of him hoped Deku remembered them. He didn't care about what he said, Deku hadn't listened to him, so you definitely wouldn't. His words didn't matter.

Little did he know though, that his words hurt more than any blast he could shoot at her.

He didn't see her again until the end of the day, and at least when he did she wasn't with that damned Deku, yet his anger from earlier wasn't completely gone. He shoved her, "Get out of my way idiot." He said, without even glancing at her, he didn't even realize that she had fallen. He didn't realize how hard he had pushed her, maybe if he had, he might have apologized, or at least helped her back up. He wasn't a complete jerk. Sometime's.

Maybe if he had helped her up, or apologized, or hadn't pushed her in the first place, or done anything that damned day. Maybe she wouldn't have listened to him. Maybe she wouldn't have jumped off the roof of U.A.. Maybe, she'd still be alive.

He wasn't told and so he had no idea until he walked past Izuku's table at lunch and saw Izuku crying on the ground, "Deku what the hell are you crying about now idiot?!" Bakugou said with annoyance as he continued to walk past him. "(y/n) killed herself last night. She...She jumped from the roof..." Uraraka said slowly, making Bakugou freeze, his ruby eyes going wide as he turned around, looking at Izuku who was now standing up.

Izuku's usually bright eyes were dark and clouded in rage, "This is your fault Kacchan!" He screamed, crashing into Bakugou with such force that he was knocked to the ground. Bakugou was momentarily stunned, she had listened to him? She jumped from the roof? (y/n) was dead? She was dead. These questions circled in his mind and he was only brought out of his thoughts when Izuku began to shake him roughly.

"You told her to pray to get a quirk in her next life and jump off the roof! You told her to kill herself and she did!" Izuku continued to scream. He and Bakugou ended up getting into a major fight, All Might ended up breaking the fight up by holding the two boys away from each other. "Now boys! There is no need to fight. But since you have made such a scene, you're both in big trouble, let's go to my office and talk this out." All Might said, the smile that was always on his face faltering for a moment.

Bakugou was brought in seperate from Izuku to talk to All Might, he claimed to have done nothing wrong, only fight back with Izuku had attacked him, "That idiot Deku just tackled me to the ground, yelling about how I'm the one to blame for that dumb quirkless girls death. Not my fault she can't think for herself." He had grumbled, his ruby eyes trained on the floor, unable to even look at All Might.

Bakugou was stuck waiting in the office well the schools staff talked everything over with each other, and when they finally came back, they announced that he had been expelled from U.A.. Izuku had told them everything, and they believed him. Of course they did. But he was telling the truth, Bakugou had told the girl he liked to kill herself because he was furious at her for liking Deku over him. And she had listened to him.

"Telling someone to commit suicide is a serious offense Bakugou. It is not something a hero ever does, heroes save people, and what you did is unforgivable, you are never welcome back at U.A., powerful quirk or not." He was told.

Bakugou walked home numbly, everything was over. His chances of being the number one hero were shattered, it was still possible, but without U.A it was very nearly impossible. He was kicked out of school, and the girl he liked was gone. All because he was a jealous jerk who never even thought of how his words could affect those around him.

Yet he still blamed Izuku.

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