'Protect' Yandere! All Might X Student! Reader

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You were nothing but a second year student at UA, you didn't understand why the number one hero known as All Might had taken an interest in you. You didn't see yourself as special, although your quirk was pretty useful and nice, you weren't the type to go around showing off. You were a background type person, helping from the sidelines when you could. That's what you liked. You didn't think you would make such an interesting impression on All Might, especially when he only taught your class a handful of times.  

Your quirk, and hero name was created as, 'The Healing Hero: Angel' due to your quirks abilities and the fact that you could also be classified with the 'mutant' type quirks. You had pure beautiful white wings that expanded from your back when you chose to use them, when you didn't you could let them sink into your skin and it was almost as if they weren't even there. You also had a permanent halo over the top of your head, which is part of the reason you chose the hero name 'Angel'.

Along with those two things, you could also heal any injury that was inflicted, except that of poison because those types of injuries involved more than fusing muscles and bones back together. The way you would heal another person was you had to sing them a lullaby, and your words would flow over them like a gentle breeze, either quickly fixing the injury or slowly healing it, it depended solely on whether the injury was minor or major.

Sure, your healing quirk left you pretty well known in the school, you helped Recovery Girl often when she needed assistance, and you were also in class 2-A of the hero course, which everyone knew was the popular class.

But still, you had never thought All Might would take a liking to you.

Especially not in a way that wasn't as a student or fellow comrade. No, in fact, All Might's liking to you had begun to pass the boundaries of even friendship, so much so that even you had picked up on it. And typically you were a pretty oblivious kind of person. You were the type of person that tended to not pick up on most things, such as crushes, and even sarcasm. It was a problem. But somehow you had managed to pick up on All Might's feelings towards you.

Maybe it was due to the fact that he made it quite obvious, he blushed when he was around you, it was a slight flush of the cheeks when in public, but if you happened to bump into him in the halls alone it was a full blown cherry red blush. He was more lenient with you when he was teaching your class, he spoke to you often and listened to your points when you would raise your hand to answer a question. All Might was not one for being subtle.

And for some reason, you found yourself slowing falling for him. Even though you knew that was not the brightest of ideas.

You could even pinpoint the moment his feelings for you began to shift from friendly teacher, to something more, and that was after the USJ incident that class 1-A was faced with. You had been called in by Recovery Girl to treat the injured and you were informed of the situation that was occuring, you raced over to the USJ and began helping those closest to the doors and slowly making your way through to others. Until the big fight All Might was fighting. You had lost contact with Recovery Girl and made a rash decision, you chose to go and help the number one hero.

You learned about his true form after that, he was too beaten up to really fight you, and instead accepted your help as your healing lullaby slowly washed over him and mended his injuries. "Thank you Angel." He said through a cough of blood, "Shh, All Might you're too injured, don't waste your energy anymore." You said with a half smile. He said nothing more after that while you were healing him, but once everything was solved and things were going back to normal you noticed the slight change.

And the moment your feelings changed too.

Everyone had a crush on All Might, why wouldn't they after all? But it wasn't until you really began talking to him that you slowly started to actually fall for him. One situation in particular left you quite stunned and speechless, your heart beating out of your chest and your palms rather clammy. It was just after the next Sports Festival, you were assigned a recovery mission in another part of town because the area was low on healing heroes, but you weren't prepared to be put into actual combat.

One of the villains had attacked you because they knew of you from the USJ incident, they sliced through one of your white wings, leaving you grounded and injured, along with leaving you no time to heal yourself. You were not a hero made for combat like others, and as you continued to try and push yourself to beat the villain, you knew your chances of winning were growing smaller and smaller as you took more damage.

The villain in question was moments away from laying an attack on your other wing when All Might suddenly came to your rescue, he grabbed the villain and with his massive strength he threw him across the street, smashing him into the nearest building. You didn't have the strength or time to check, but if you had you were sure the villain had died from the impact of All Mights throw.

"Are you alright? We need to get you to safety." He turned to you, lifting you up gently in his arms and fleeing the fight, "All Might, you have to help the others, I can take care of myself." You tried to reason with him, you didn't want any more casualties. "You are my main priority. Everyone else can wait." He said sternly, his usual bright smile was gone, instead replaced with a worried frown.

He took care of you until he was completely sure you were all right, and even then he was reluctant to leave your side. But he knew he had to keep up his appearance as the number one hero. And he had to crush the villains that had hurt you, because no one hurt his Angel.

Since then, it was almost as if the two of you were inseparable. Although everyone at school seemed to be oblivious to the relationship you two had.

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