Chapter 4

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 "I would love to become your sister"

When those words came out of Kara's mouth, joy took over Jeremiah, Eliza, and Alex's bodies. They went on to enjoy themselves, eating cake, talking, and laughing. Before they knew it the sun started to set and the Danvers decided it was time to leave.

" We will be back to come and get you on court day, okay sweetie?" Eliza tells Kara

"I'll be here waiting." Kara smiles. Eliza hugs her and whispers goodbye and then turns to walk to the back door. Jeremiah walks up to Kara next and hugs her, "Goodnight, honey. See you soon," Jeremiah release Kara after she says, "Goodnight, I'm holding you to that," he chuckles and follows his wife. Kara watched him walk away then she turned to look at Alex. "Am I gonna get to see a little more of sentimental Alex right now?" Alex laughs, "How As I said, she doesn't come out too often," Kara pouts. "Aww, come on just one more time, please?" Alex laughs again, "Bye, Kara." Alex pulls her into a hug while Kara laughs along with Alex. "Fine, bye." They pull away from the hug and Alex turns to walk in the direction her parents went. Before she went through the back door, she turned back to Kara, "Try not to miss me too much." That made Kara laugh, "I don't think that'll be a problem, Danvers." Alex shakes her head, "That's just cold." After that being said she turns back around to go to her parents' car.

Kara smiles, "That's my sister." she says to herself


It's been a week since Kara found out that she was going to be adopted. The day before court day, Linda, Kara, and the kids from the home had a day out to spend as much time with Kara before she leaves to go be with her new family the next day. Let's just say by the end of the day it got emotional real quick. Where we find ourselves now is the day Kara officially becomes a Danvers.

"Okay, to finally get to the point as to why we are here today, Kara I just have one more question for you." The judge says putting all of his papers together.

"Okay, your honor." Kara looks at her with a slight smile

" Are you completely sure you want to be a new addition to their family? Think about this very carefully. Make sure that this is the family you know for sure will treat you right, love, and care for you as a mother, father, and sister should."

"I've never been so sure about anything in my life, your honor." Kara answers

"Well then let's make this thing official, "The judge shuffles through her papers, "Congratulations Kara you are officially a part of the Danvers Family."

The room fills up with clapping and cheers. Kara feels herself begin to cry. As she's thanking the judge she feels multiple arms pulling her into a hug.

"I can't believe you're, my sister! I don't think I've ever been this happy in my life." Kara hears Alex say

"Glad to see that Sappy Alex made an appearance," Kara laughs through her tears

"I don't even care right now. All I care about is that, I get to call you my sister, Kara Danvers." Kara starts to cry even more

"Welcome to the family sweetheart, "Jeremiah pulls away from the hug, "Come on...let's go home."

Home. That word...home. A place Kara always wanted to be. Kara always wanted a place she could call home again. A mother she can run to when she's sad. A father to talk to when she needs to be held and protected. A sibling to be there for her when she wants to talk about things she doesn't want to talk about with her parents. The fact that she's getting all of the things she's ever dreamed of all at once, she doesn't know how to feel.

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