Chapter 8

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1 week later...

Alex and Kara were walking along a back road that was lit up by the street lights.

"Alex where are we going? It's dark and it's coooold and why do we have these flashlights?" Kara whines as she drags her feet.

"Stop whining and cmon." The older girl says turning on her flashlights and begins to walk in the woods. Kara looks in Alex's direction and stops.

"Umm quick any chance, you didn't bring me out here in the dark to kill me right?"

Alex continues ti walk, "If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it by now." The older girl chuckles out.

"Welp," Kara turns on her flashlights and follows her sister. They walk for a couple of minutes until Alex walks up to a rundown barn. "Why did you bring me to a barn?"

"Remember when we were talking about finding a place so we could work on your powers?" The blonde nods her head. "Well, here it is! Follow me." She turns around and walks up to the barn door.

When Alex slides the door open, with a little struggle, walks in and goes to turn on the lights Kara shields her eyes from the light with her hands as she takes a look around the barn.

"This barn looks old and abandoned, hooow in the hell are these lights working?" The younger girl asks.

"I found this place like two days ago when I was out heeeere with ummm Maggie."

"Why were you out here with Maggie?"

"We were hanging out...has anyone ever tell you that you ask too many damn questions?"

"Not that I can recall."

"Anyways, I found this place while I was with Maggie and none of these lights were working, not surprising. So, I went home and took all the lights I could and put them in here." Alex explains bringing her hands together.

"Okay, I have one more question, just one." The blue-eyed girl says with her raised index finger.

"Go ahead."

"Why couldn't you just have shown this to me earlier today?"

"Mom would've asked where we were going."

"You could've just lied."

"I was, but I almost forgot that you can't lie for shit. Therefore, lying wasn't an option. I couldn't just walk up to her and be like, "Hey mom I'm taking Kara to an abandoned barn in the woods in the middle of nowhere. If we had winded up getting caught lying about where we would be going, you would be the reason we would get in trouble...cause you can't lie." Alex gives Kara a slight smile.

"Pfft...pfft I am no-"

"All it would take is for mom to look you in the eyes and it's like the words would just pour out your mouth with no hesitation. Honestly, I'm surprised you've kept your powers a secret from mom and dad this long. I'm proud." Alex says wiping away a fake tear.

"Ha ha, you told me to keep it a secret, so that's what I'm doing. I don't want to end up on the local newpaper. " The blonde respondes.

"You're still a terrible liar though." The younger girl walks up to her and hits her on the arm a little bit too hard.

"Oww dammit Kara, that fucking hurt." She grunts in pain as she rubs her arm to ease the pain.

"Oops, but that's what you get." She says shrugging. The girls make eye contact and begin to laugh. Alex shows Kara around the new hangout and tells her the ideas she has to make the barn more of a training/hangout space. Once they were done looking around, they head back to the entrace of the barn.

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