Chapter 6

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A/N: Came out of hiatus like Nicki HA...Nah but for real tho, I was in some deep deeeeep writer's block. I'm back now, so I'll probably update on Monday's and Thursday's I'll figure it out lol. Now off you go to the chapter that took me forever to write. I slaved over my notebook for this, my dramatic ass, hope you like it.


There's something wrong with me. Kara thinks as she's running past the trees. No matter how far she tries to run away from all of the noises, she can't. She can hear kids playing, babies crying, people arguing, car alarms, and Alex calling out for her. It's all becoming too much to handle.

"Kara, will you slow down? Geez, when did you get so fast?!" Alex yells after her.

Kara stops in a clearing in the woods," Ah, thank you for stopping." The short-haired girl says as she's taking in quick breaths. She looks at the younger girl with a confused and worried look. Kara is squeezing her eyes shut while she puts her hands over her ears. "What's wrong, Kara? Kara, hey!" Alex starts to walk towards her sister but flinches back as Kara begins to shout.

"AHH, please make it stop! Something's wrong it won't stop!" Tears stream down the blonde's face. Alex rushes to her side in a heartbeat. She wraps her arms around the scared trembling girl and tries to calm her down.

"Shh, I'm here; I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I just need you to tell me what's going on." She whispers lightly.

Kara places her hands back on her ears to try and block out all the noises, but it was no use, it's too loud.

"You don't hear that?" She mumbles into the other girl's chest.

"Hear what?"

"Alex, how can't you hear it?! It's so loud to the point that it is quite possible that my ears could start bleeding!" She yells as she buries her face deeper into her sister's chest.

"Kara, I'm at a loss here. I don't hear anything, the woods are quiet. I don't hear anything beside's your yelling." Alex informs her as she looks around.


"Everything is going to be fine...I hope." More tears fall down the younger girl's face.

"Umm, can you tell me what you're feeling?"

"I don't know Alex I'm feeling a lot of things right now! Most of it pain!" Kara says getting frustrated.

"Well, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help!" Alex says as she rolls her eyes.

"Well, it's not helping the way you thought it would!"

The older girl sits up and takes in a deep breath. "Kara, we aren't going to get anywhere if we continue to go back and forth with one another.

Alex looks at her younger sister, that's rocking side to side, trying to figure out what to say to get her to calm down. An idea pops into her head, she pulls the trembling girl into her chest once again. "Just try and focus on my voice, Kara." She whispers as she begins to sing.

A/N: Click the video to hear the song, if you want of course. The song is really good tho.

I will march down an empty street like a

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