Saving Sayori

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Just so you know, the dialogue isn't going to be exact. The reader isn't any specific gender, so in the very unlikely chances if I must use pronouns I'll just use 'they'. As obvious, implied suicide and themes of depression. I digress, let's begin.

"Sayori, I thought you didn't want to come over today," I cross my arms.

Sayori laughs hesitantly. "Well.." she shifts. "..I tried staying in my room, but my imagination was being really mean to me. So I had to come here and see it for myself."

I shoot her a confused look. "See what? What are you talking about?"

Sayori smiles sadly, a melancholy gleam in her azure eyes. "Y' much fun you were having with [girl you personally chose to prepare for the festival with]. And how close you got to her. It makes me really happy." Her eyes were welling up. "You've made such good friends. That's all that matters to me." Tears start to roll down Sayori's face.

"That's all the matters to me!" She was choking on her tears now, dropping her forced smile. "Why am I feeling this way, Y/N? I'm supposed to be happy for you! Why does it feel like my heart is splitting in half?" Sayori was completely crying now, liquid pouring down her cheeks. "It hurts so much. Everything hurts so much! This would be so much better if I could just disappear-"

"Sayori, don't say that!" I demand, helplessly trying to stop her inconsolable sobs.

"It's true, Y/N!" she cries. "If I wasn't here, then you wouldn't have to waste your sympathy on me! You wouldn't have to put up with me being selfish." Realization dawns on her tear-streaked face. "Monika was right. I should just.."

"Monika?" I ask. What had Monika said to Sayori? "Monika was right about what?"

Sayori is silent besides the occasional hiccup, balling her hands at her sides and staring at the ground.

"Sayori.." I try. She looks up, a hopeless look in her eyes that sends shivers down my spine. "What I said before is true." I feel newly-discovered determination. "I'm not going to let this continue. Caring about you like this isn't the burden your mind is making it out to be. It's something that makes me happy. It's something I wouldn't trade for anything else. So, even if it takes an entire lifetime.. I'm going to be by your side until you don't feel any more pain."

Sayori seems shocked. "B-but-" She stops midsentence, looking away.

I step forward, placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. 

"I'm scared, Y/N," she mumbles. "I'm really scared."

"What are you scared of, Sayori?" I ask, trying my best to maintain a soothing tone.

"I'm scared that.." she struggles to get the words out. "..that I might like you more than you like me."

I look at her quizzically. "Sayori?"

Sayori meets my eyes with a startling look - one of utter heartbreak and pain. More tears drip down her cheeks. "It's true, isn't it? I was weak and started to like you too much.. I did this to myself."

"Sayori-" I begin, but she stops me.

"Y/N, I like you so much that I want to die! That's how I feel!" she shouts, crying more. She mellows her volume, trying once again to find the right words. "A-and-"

I interrupt her again. "That's enough, Sayori. I don't want you to hurt anymore." I step closer, sliding my hand into Sayori's own and squeezing it. "Do you remember how I said that I always know what's best for you?" 

Sayori nods hesitantly, still sniffling.

"Do you still believe me?" I ask gently. 

Wordlessly, Sayori nods a second time.

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