Tipsy [Fratboy!Luke AU]

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Warning: Contains smut

Agreeing to go to this party was probably one of the worst quick decisions I have ever made. Looking around, everyone else looked like they were enjoying themselves. There were those frat boys by the keg stand, cheerleaders by the pool, burnouts in the living room, and other people I’d rather not make eye contact with.

To try and not seem too much like a lost lamb, I brought my phone out as I walked into the house. As if on cue, I received a text from my friend:

‘cant make it 2nite, dad wanted 2 hav a fam nite. soz, hope u meet sum1 ;)’ 

Great. Now I’m going to tread this party alone. Looking around the house, there was alcohol everywhere. I grabbed a beer bottle and sat on a single sofa farthest from everyone else. Might as well try not to bring attention to myself.

After I took a swig from my bottle, I wiped my lips with the back of my hand and got comfortable on the sofa. I felt the slight burn as I swallowed. I haven’t had alcohol in months. A few moments passed and I finally finished my bottle. Damn, I must miss alcohol so much. I was about to stand up to get another one as I heard a voice not far from where I was. 

“Why are you all alone, darling? It’s a party, mingle,” The voice was nowhere familiar, though it sounded cocky. I hated him already. Who even uses the term darling, anyway?

I got up to my feet and placed the bottle on the nearest table, leaving it there. “Is this really a party? I thought it was just one huge orgy,” I replied sarcastically, having no tolerance of his tone. I walked away, not even giving him a glance.

Getting a few steps away from him, I was pulled back… a bit too harsh for my liking.

“Now, that isn’t the way to treat the host, right?” he asked me as I finally faced him. 

He was extremely tall with matching broad shoulders. He was wearing a flannel shirt over a singlet and a snapback, looking completely laid back. His lip ring added to his look.

Frat boy. 

“You don’t have to worry about my actions tonight, darling,” I spat as I rolled my eyes. “This party’s a bust anyway. I was just about to leave,” I told him, pulling my wrist away. Of course I wasn’t really going to leave, I was all up for the free booze. I’ll just keep my eye out for him.

Grabbing two bottles, I tried to stay somewhere with at least a few people. Finding a spot by the kitchen, I sat down on the floor and leaned against the fridge. As I continued to drink, the buzz was getting stronger. I didn’t even remember that I came here alone. If I got drunk, I had no way to safely get home. 

Trying to be social, I ended up talking to a few of the people around me. Unlike Lip Ring over there, these people were much more pleasant and inviting. They even offered me a joint, although I refused. High and drunk isn’t the state I wanted to end up tonight.

On my fourth… fifth… maybe sixth bottle, I went to the pool area. I was met with other boys who dressed like Lip Ring. Probably his frat brothers.

They looked towards my direction and all I could do was raise my eyebrow. There were three of them, and for my convenience I’ve nicknamed them Bandana, Hair Dye, and Tattoo. What is it with frat boys tonight?

The three of them approached me; Tattoo was even bold enough to wrap his arm around my shoulder. If I was sober, I would’ve shrugged him off, but right now I didn’t have enough energy to pay these boys much attention.

“Is this the one he’s been eyeing all night?” Bandana asked Hair Dye as if I wasn’t there.

“I think so,” Tattoo responded, nodding his head. “I gotta say his standards have improved,” he added, giving Hair Dye a high-five. 

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