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"Hey Lydia, is this ok for the party do you think?" I yelled loud enough for her to be able to hear me from down the hall.

"Coming!" She called back. She came bounding through the door and scanned my outfit. "Perfect." She commented smiling.

"Are you lying?" I asked. "I have another one picked out."

"Ok, Tori. What is it?" Lydia questioned with her arms crosse over her chest. I froze and looked up at her, trying to hide my caught facial expression.

"Nothing, why?" I put a fake smile on my lips as I smoothed out the maroon skirt and pulled at the black bralette i had on.

"Tori, your my sister. I know you. What's wrong?" She asked softly. She walked over to stand next to next to me in my full length mirror.

"Its just...the party we're going to tonight is one of Stiles' old friends who...who happens to be a really pretty girl and I'm just nervous." I admitted, sheepishly leaning down to pull up my black thigh high boots.

"Victoria Rose Martin, you are my twin sister and we are two of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Plus, Stiles is borderline obsessed with you. Trust me, your amazing and Stiles would never leave you. Especially not for someone who is not even on the same scale as you." Lydia told me, brushing my loosely curled hair out of my face. "There is no need for you to stress. The outfit you have on is going to have him drooling, trust me." She winked.

"I hope so" I smirked making her fake gag. We both ended up giggling together before we were interrupted by the sound of a horn being blared outside.

"Go show that bitch who's the co-queen of this town." Lydia smirked. I grinned back and nodded. She handed me a white oversized cardigan and helped me shrug it on.

"Trust me, I will." I grabbed my black purse and walked out to go greet Stiles. Scott was in the passenger seat with a dull look on his face, someone was clearly not in the mood for a party.

"What the hell, Tori. Theres literally going to be other guys at this party." Stiles hissed jumping out of his jeep and coming up to me. He placed his hands on my waist and scanned my body hungrily. "You look way too fucking good right now babe..."he trailed off leaning down to kiss me. I smirked turning my head, letting his lips hit my cheek. He pulled back sending me a playful glare.

"If we don't leave now we will be late for this party so let's move it" I instructed moving passed him and over to the drivers side. Scott scoffed in disgust at me and Stiles but climbed into the back seat. Stiles hopped back into the drivers side and rested a hand on my thigh.

"You guys actually make me sick" Scott commented. "Like, actually."

"Oh shut up Scott. Loosen up, tonight there will be plenty of pretty girls there." I told him giggling.

"I don't want them" he sighed.

"I know, I know but at least try to let yourself have fun tonight." I argued. Stiles sent me a thankful look.

"Fine." He muttered.


The entire block was filled with cars meaning I would have to trek through the street in four inch thigh high boots. I was already bracing myself for the immense pain.

As we walked towards the house with blaring music, Scott was continuing to look glum. Stiles wasn't having it. "What?" He demanded.

"What, what do you mean what?" Scott asked, clearly confused.

"I mean 'what' and you know what." Stiles argued, lacking his hand in mine.

"'What' what?" Scott asked.

"That look you were giving." Stiles told him.

"I didn't give a look" Scott defended.

"Oh there was a distinct look Scott." My idiotic boyfriend continued.

"What look?" Scott asked, becoming irritated.

"The look that says the last thing you feel like doing is going to a party." I added.

"Exactly" Stiles agreed.

"It's not that it just seems weird going to a different high school's party." Scott lied.

"What? Would you- God, one drink, alright? You'll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, ok? She promised me to introduce us to all of her friends. So tonight, no Allison. Tonight your moving on." Stiles preached.

"What about Tori, you know your girlfriend? Your telling me to get over my ex-girlfriend while your holding hands with your current girlfriend." Scott pointed out.

"You said it yourself, I'm his current girlfriend" I smiled proudly. Stiles grinned, letting go of my hand to rest it on my waist.

"Fine, I guess you guys are right" Scott finally admitted.

"That's right we're right" Stiles agreed.

"Moving on" Scott repeated to himself.

"Onward and upward" Stiles and Scott high fives each other before we continued walking to the house. It was now coming up.

"Let's do this" Scot urged himself on. I giggled and shook my head at the two idiots I was with.

"That's what I'm talking about, now look at me." Stiles scanned Scott's appearance making sure it was ok.

"How's my breath smell?" Scott asked nervously.

"I'm not smelling your breath" Stiles shook his head.

"Do you have any gum?" Scott asked.

"No, no gum. You're fine." Stiles chuckled. I leaned my head against his arm as we walked up the walkway to the house. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

"Can you at least tell me what kind of party this is?" Scott asked desperately. We walked into the house to hear somebody yelling over the music and people talking.

"It's my birthday!" I looked in the direction and saw a pretty blonde girl wearing a bustier top and leggings. I cringed at her overly excited state. She began whispering to her friend next to her before coming over to us with a wide, slightly fake smile. "Stiles! Hi!" She shrieked, throwing herself on him; clearly ignoring the fact that I was standing right beside him.

"Heather hey" he responded, letting go of me and awkwardly hugging her back. I stepped back and gaped at the two.

"I've missed you so much" she batted her eyelashes flirtatiously and ran a hand down the front of his chest. Stiles' eyes flitted over to mine and immediately widened when he noticed the angry glare in them. He stepped back and gently grabbed her wrist.

"Heather, this is my best friend Scott." He patted Scott on the back who waved awkwardly. "And this," he came over and slid his arm around my waist again. "Is my girlfriend. Victoria Martin." Heather turned to me and looked at me up and down.

"I know who she is. Everyone knows the Victoria Martin and her sister Lydia." She sneered rolling her eyes. I blinked rapidly at her as a poignant smile graced my lips.

"Of course they do" I challenged, stepping forward. My eyes dropped as I took in her figure. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Heather." I plastered a smile on my lips and held out a hand. She glared at me and took it, shaking it.

"Nice to meet you, Tori." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Enjoy the party." She smirked.

"Trust me, I will."

Reveal [3] (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now