New Start.?

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I am soo sorry that this took foreve but I had writers block.! I'm back now and I am ready to roll. Love my story.? Comment and vote.! Subscribee too.!(: I hope you like it.! {cliffhangers are my thing just thought I'd warn you. ENJOY.


*"I thought you moved.?!"*

"I did." He said smirking.

"Then what are you doing here.?! I told you to never set foot on this territory again." I said slowly in a growl.

"And I told you I wasn't going to listen and. That I'd be back. What no 'Hello' or 'Nice to see you again'.? How rude." He stood there against my doorframe mocking me.

Do I look retarded.? Does he actually expect that him moving will fix everything when he came back.? This boy ruined my life. He made my dad hate me, my brother leave, my squirrel bite my face, my friends ignore me, and the list goes on and on and on. I trusted him. My mistake.

"I may be rude but at least I know where to stop. And that's here." With that I slammed the door in his face.

I heard movement, sadly, and turned. He had stalked to the open window and sat inside the window pane.

"Was that really needed.? I just came over to talk." He gave me that look that used to make me feel like everything would be okay if I listened to him.

"Yeah.? Well you did your talking two years ago. To everyone I knew. That was as much of your voice as I could take." I turned so I wouldn't let my eyes betray me.

"Mickey. Look at me." He knew that would hit me hard.! How dare he. I was close to tears as it is.!

"I can't Alejandro. And you know that." My voice cracks on me. Great.

"I do. But you should look anyway." Why's he gotta sound so sure.? I don't know why but I did. I looked at him and for a second I could remember when this boy was my world. That was a long time ago though and I have changed.

"I wanted to apologize for all I've done to you. I loved you and I still do and always will. I don't want you to hate me and I hope we can get close again. Start over. What do you say.?" he looked so scared right now that I wanted to laugh and cry.

"I say we could try. I am not going to trust you easily and I won't ever look at you the same but we can try." I look away again because I can't stand much more.

"I don't expect you to and thank you that's all I'm asking for." he smiled and relaxed.

"My only question is why.?" right to the point. I don't sound suspicious at all.

"Well I was going through my stuff and literally everything has to do with you. You either gave it to me, were there when I got it, or was what I was thinking of. I can't touch anything of mine without missing you. And it sucks. So I'm back." he smiled and I halfheartedly returned it. After all this couldn't be the worst thing in the world. It's not like I'll fall for him again. I'm not stupid.

"Did your mom come back with you.? I miss her so much." his mom was mine. She fights with my mom all the time about who's womb I came from. My family is weird.

"Yeah, she is actually standing outside. I told her she had to wait there because I needed 'moral support but I knew how much she means to you." his phone started ringing {Turn to you- Justin Bieber, personalized for love of moms.} He answered and I could hear mommacita duos say:

"Can I come in yet.?! I have the right to see my own son.! This is cruel and unusual punishment.!" and he rolled his eyes and said:

"Yesss mom. He's very excited to see you too."

Just then the door burst open and Mammy {a was for ahmazing and the fact that yelling Mommy brought them both.} ran in and tackled me bawling.

"Mammy.! I missed you too much.!" I was crying now too. how wimpy.

"I am never leaving you again baby. I swear. Mammy was just to trusting in her baby boy and she thought that he was strong enough.!" geez make me sound less macho please.?

"Thank god for phones.!" yeah I called her even though I had loathed her son. Got a problem.?!

Speaking of of phones, suddenly my phone started ringing { Call Me Maybe- Carley Rae Jepsen, oh yeah I'm a boss. } and it was.... Jason.?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2012 ⏰

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