-Chapter 6-

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Shawn's P.O.V (Finally :])

     I knock on the door cautiously, hoping they won't get mad. I am a little late, okay?! I happen to be quite self-cautious.

"Come in!"

I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Sorry I'm late..." I apologize, turning red. "I- uh, kinda got lost." I scratch the back of my head shyly.

Mr. Williams smiles and gets up to greet me. "It's fine, Mr. Mendes. You either come here or you don't. I hope you don't choose the latter."

I laughs and shake his hand. "I'm not, this is my dream to be here!"

"Austin, this is the young man you'll be touring with this summer." Mr. Williams says, ushering for me to go greet him.

Austin gets up and shakes my hand, flashing me a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you! I'm Austin." he says.

"Shawn," I say. "Shawn Mendes. It's an honor to be touring with you!" I compliment, smiling back.

Austin laughs and puts an arm around me. "Just think of me as an older brother, really. I don't want to make this awkward for you."

I smile. "Will do."

Austin turns around and grabs a girl's wrist. "This is my," he clears his throat. "Excuse for a younger sister."

Her name is Sierra, bozo, and she is far from an excuse.

Wait, did I just think that?

"Geez, I'm kidding!" Austin protests. "That's Sierra. She's 13... how old are you?"

"14..." I awkwardly reply. "We already met... sorta."


"We kinda just... ran into each other." I chuckle to myself. "Literally. We crashed into each other!"

Sierra smiles shyly. "And you almost broke my glasses, Shawn."

"Well, geez. I'll leave then, Sierra." I joke, turning around.

"Please do..." she teases.

"Alright, enough flirting, Sierra. Shawn's gotta work." Austin interrupts.

Sierra blushes and hits him in the arm. She says something I can't hear. While she keeps arguing, I take out the piece of gum I saved with my number on it and dropped it on the floor, hoping she'll get it. Sierra seems pretty nice, and, might I add, really pretty.

Austin shrugs and pushes me out the door, along with Mr. Williams. "Let's go!"

I turn and flash Sierra a quick smile, before I get interrupted by Austin.

"So you already met my sister, huh?"

"Wha-" I mentally slap myself. Get yourself together, Shawn! "Uh, yeah..."m

Austin raises an eyebrow at me, wanting me to go on.

"She, uh... seems nice, I guess." I mumble shyly.

Austin raises both eyebrows. "So you like her."

"What?! We just met!" I immediately protest, then regret it.

"So you hate her."

"I don't! We just met!"

Austin sighs and smirks at me. "We'll get this sorted out soon enough. But one thing..." His expression goes from cheerful to serious. "Stay away from her. She's fragile."

Fragile? From what?

"Yeah... whatever. No problem." I mutter, walking off.

"You know I'm not kidding, kid."

I stop and turn around. "Alright, I got that. Now will you just leave?!" I snap.

Austin flinches, but regains his posture. "I'm just doing my job, Shawn." With that, he turns and walks away.

"Snitch." I mumble to myself.

Mr. Williams appears out of nowhere and puts his hands on my shoulders. "You ready?"

"F-for what?" I stutter, feeling like an idiot.

Mr. Williams chuckles. "For your career, boy. You're touring with that guy," he says, referring to Austin.

"Oh, the guy that kinda wanted me to not even look at his younger sister? Sounds great!" I reply sarcastically.

"Well, I've known him for a while, dude. He's extremely protective of Sierra."

"Like I haven't noticed."

Mr. Williams shrugs and starts walking down the hall with me. "Just get him to trust you enough so you can get into Sierra's friend zone. But they way you were looking at her just screams you want to 'get some' with her..."

I turn red. "Was I really eyeing her like that?" I groan and put my face in my palms. "Now she thinks I'm a weirdo."

He lets out a hearty laugh and pats my back. "I'm just kidding! You wouldn't hurt a fly, and you expect me to think you want to have sex at 14? Don't be so self cautious!"

Not my fault I am.

"Oh.. um, okay?"

"Alright, Mendes. Let's get some work done."


^^ Purdy line :3

Sorry for the EXTREMELY sucky  chapter! This was more of just a filler. I promise things will get interesting soon!

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